
Moths are invading my house!!They've been in our cupboards for years and getting into our oatmeal and stuff

My mom is kinda lazy and cheapo so she refuses to call any proffesionals.She just got some spearmint gum and put it in the cornerrsof the cupboards.Ya know what?Nothings helping!They start out as disgusting worms and make cocoons on our kitchen ceiling!Even as a guy, I find it disgustingThey live in my room, and get into our food.Like cereal and oatmeal, candy whatever.The nastyest part is when I'm eating breakfast and theres 10 dead moths floating in my cereal.I personally think the worms are the worst.Somebody please help us!


Moths are invading my house!!They've been in our cupboards for years and getting into our oatmeal and stuff
The life cycle of a moth is pretty short. Throw out all the cereal, oatmeal, cornmeal, flour, etc. you have in the house. Go out and buy new and store in plastic snap tight containers.

Once the food and breeding ground is gone, the moths will slowly fade away.

You can call in an exterminator, but they will come right back if you don't change your housekeeping and storage patterns.
Reply:Pantry moths. Really hard to get rid of, some once got into a closed jar of peanuts in my cupboard! Hard to find, but there are pantry moth traps available that lure them into the trap with an attractant (female moth hormone, wonder how they get that!) that work great-- will need to buy several and keep them out until the infestation is gone. The no pest strips also kill them-- big yellow cheesy looking things designed to kill flying insects- but you are not supposed to put those in a living area like a kitchen. but you can in a utility room. First though, toss everything with moths in it, or is open like cereal or crackers-- anything not in a can. They can get into sealed cake mixes, for example. Toss everything, then use a spray insecticide to spray all the cracks and crevices. Then put out the traps. if you can't find the traps locally in hardware or feed stores, then buy them onine.
Reply:Remove everything from the cabinets and shelves.

Buy the tupperware that fits the kind of food you keep.

Throw away all the open food containers and open or closed boxes, especially anything with a short expiration date or past the expiration date.

Buy new food in smaller sizes so it gets used up quickly and store in the sealed tupperware.

Open containers of pet kibble, bird seed, dried flowers, spices are the worst offenders. Are any of these things in the house?

Then follow the cleaning suggestions the previous posters advised. If cost is an issue, it is possible to save some of the food. You can freeze things for a few days and the bugs will be dead but not so tasty!
Reply:They are very hard to get rid of once they have infested your pantry. All of the dry goods (oatmeal, rice, cereal, flour, candy, crackers, baking mixes, cookies, etc) need to be thrown out. take the trash bags that you throw this stuff in outside immediately.

Then, remove everything else from your pantry and wipe each container down with hot bleach water.

If you have shelf paper on your shelves, pull it all up and dispose of it. They could be hatching under the paper.

Vacuum out the inside of your pantry, paying extra attention to the corners and edges of the shelves. Then, use the bleach water to wipe the entire inside of the pantry. Top to bottom, even the undersides of the shelves. Do not slack on this.

Buy some cinnamon sticks, bay leaves or eucalyptus and scatter these inside the pantry. Re-load the sealed items that you removed earlier.

Watch carefully over the next few days, they will probably come back and you will have to repeat the process. This is a battle. They are not easy to get rid of.

If they are all over your entire house, you may be out of luck. An exterminator might be your only answer.
Reply:suggestion fire. its just like a fly trap. preferably lots of candles
Reply:I solved the same problem in my pantry - eventually - In addition to doing most of all the other "Answers" suggestions, I used a sticky tape fly trap, this fly strip caught any critters that managed to hide during the cleaning process. The fly tape was messy to handle, but it really did the job. The fly strip is the old fashion type that you pull out of a round cardboard tube. Good luck !!
Reply:Cloves smell better than moth balls and are a natural deterrent against winged pests. You can also create a water trap by filling a small basin with water and leaving a night light suspended over it. Moths will be attracted to the light and will end up crashing and burning and falling into the water. Add a little dish soap to break the surface tension of the water
Reply:I totally agree with the first guy. We had the same problem. Get rid of all of their food. Take your remaining food and seal it up tight in steel or airtight plastic boxes. It's a pain but it gets rid of them fast.

Why does my tea taste sweet?

I bought some "Bedtime" tea (http://www.yogitea.com/#/ProductInfo/) and I'm curious as to why it tastes so very very sweet when there's no sweetener listed among the ingredients.

I'm talking sweet, people. Sweeeet! Is it possible that one or more of these ingredients is that sweet, or is there some label fudging they were able to do so that they could add a sweetener without listing it?

I've noticed this with other teas as well, none of which had a sweetener listed.

Ingredients of the bedtime tea: licorice root, spearmint leaf, chamomile flower, skullcap leaf, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, st. john's wort leaf and flower, organic rose hip, natural orange flavor, raspberry leaf, valerian root extract, english lavender flower, stevia leaf, passion flower extract

Why does my tea taste sweet?
Stevia, although herbal, is a natural sweetener often recommended to replace chemical sweeteners such as aspartame,saccharin,etc. You can find it in a health food store, comes in powder and liquid.

Also, some of the ingredients are naturally on the sweet side, such as licorice,cinnamon and I believe, passion flower. Perhaps the combination enhances the sweetness?
Reply:"Cinnamon bark" is a natural sweetener and "Stevia leaf" is a natural sweetener. That'll do it!

You can even grow your own Stevia plant and pluck the leaves off and add to your own tea for natural sweetening.

Is it possible to be allergic to chewing-gum?

On a few separate occasions now I've been hit with an acute stomach-ache, and am trying to figure out why. Don't worry, I don't rely on Internet diagnosis and if it persists I *am* going to see a doctor, but I'm trying to eliminate possibilities first, and odd though it sounds, I'd like to know if anyone's ever heard of being allergic to chewing-gum. (Sugar-free spearmint, if that's relevant.) Wikipedia doesn't seem to mention anything, but I can't think of any other common link between the occasions when this has happened.

Any information would be much appreciated.

Is it possible to be allergic to chewing-gum?
If you know the different chemical reactions taking place simultaneously in your body every day, you will know anything can go wrong at any time with any of the components of the reactions. And the fact that it has not been reported before does not mean it does not happen. I would have suggested that you try the chewing gum again and watch the reactions, but I think it's safer to stay off the gums for now and see if the aches re-occur.
Reply:it is possible to be allergic to anything.
Reply:Yes, one can be allergic to anything you can think exists. I met a young lady who was allergic to tooth paste. She had to clean her mouth and teeth with some kind of liquid.
Reply:Well, it does kind of depend on the kind of gum you are chewing. There might be something in the spearmint gum that you may be allergic to. I would try buying another kind.. and see if it has the same effect on you as the other kind does.

Good luck!
Reply:check the ingredients, see if it contains E951 (aspartame) or E955 (sucralose) then google both of them for more information.

Hope you can help me!?

heres the question..prior to my cats passing he was fine! had a bit of a eye infection ( herpes infection of the eye and conjunctivitis) he was going to get the creme the night of his passing. he only had the eye issue for 2 days. he was eating just fine, jumping up on things,etc. no indication of him being ill . I am with my animals 24/7 so I catch illness at the start! Well the only thing is the night prior to his passing he took a couple licks of the tea i had on the table. it is a sweet dreams herb tea, it contains chamomile,hibiscus,peppermint leaves,rose blossoms,spearmint leaves,spice,and orange blossoms. any of those poison to a cat? during his passing he had a seizure which lasted about 5sec. he was lethargic, he could not walk it was as if he was paralyzed. he would not open his eyes at all (strange seeming I used a bit of that tea to soothe his eyes) there is no poison in my home! I clean with a bit of dawn dish soap and water! please help!!

Hope you can help me!?
Perhaps he had a very bad allergic reaction to one of the ingredeints of the tea. I am very sorry for your loss. Our pets become our children.
Reply:Hibiscus is one of the poisonous plants that they tell us to stay away from. Sorry you lost your cat, but maybe you'll be more careful after this. You can probably go online and find lists of poisonous plants/herbs, etc that are HIGHLY TOXIC to cats (and other animals). Christmas is a really BAD time for people having harmful plants, etc, in their homes. Again, I'm really sorry that you lost your pet.........
Reply:Herbs can be toxic to cats! Cats are very sensitive to herbs%26amp;other posion
Reply:I'm so sorry to see your sad story. You must be so sad! Sometimes cats, like people, just have their bodies give out on them for no apparent reason, like a heart attack or an anurysm (bad spelling, sorry).

I'm sure it wasn't the tea, especially just a couple of licks.

At least you were able to be with him at the end. They don't know what "the end" really means so if you were able to comfort him in his passing, he was at least with the person he loved most.
Reply:I'm so sorry for your loss. I believe your kitty may have suffered a stroke which may have something to do with how he was getting around.

I'm so sorry.
Reply:Sounds like he might have had a stroke. My mom's cat did---fell over, had a seizure and died climbing out of his litter box. He was only 3 years old. I had never heard of a cat having a stroke before but that's what the vet said happened to him.
Reply:I am so sorry! I wish I could give you a hug! I can imagine the confusion, frustration and pain you are feeling. It's not your fault!

None of those herbs are listed as being poisonous to cats.

One scary and sad fact of life is that death is always lurking no matter how on guard we are. My best guess is that your poor baby suffered a stroke. Things like that can just happen out of the blue. It could have been genetic, a birth defect, who knows.

If you wish, your vet can do an autopsy and hopefully give you some better answers.

I can tell from your post that your kitty was well loved during the time he was here. Let that comfort you.

Ah, for the life of a cat in a loving home! Even a brief one.


Did this herbal tea blend mess with my hormones and PMS?

First, let me say that I am EXTREMELY sensitive to everything I put in my body- any time I take any medicine I experience the side effects (even if I don't read them before hand, its not psychosomatic!!!) I can't handle caffeine because of its effects on me having PMS, and I don't do sugary foods, etc. etc. to prevent it- Anyway, to the point-

Recently I had a really bad cold that turned into sinusitis, in attempt to clear my system of it I drank an herbal tea blend three times a day for a week, and now i am extremely irritable, moody and depressive- I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if this herbal blend could be a contributing factor?

The tea contained:

eucalyptus leaf- 210 mg

Licorice root- 175 mg

Slippery elm bark- 175 mg

wild cherry bark- 175 mg

elecampane rhizome- 140 mg

marshmallow root- 35 mg

Proprietary blend of:

spearmint leaf

west indian lemongrass leaf

lemon peel

stevia leaf

lemon myrtle leaf------ combined 840 mg

Thanks! I really appreciate it!

Did this herbal tea blend mess with my hormones and PMS?
Licorice root and elecampane DO involve hormones. In Fact you will see these ingredients in many women's formulas, so YES if you are really sensitive it could have affected you, despite what the other posters said!
Reply:I don't think it's the tea causing the alteration in mood, especially if you are no longer taking it. Rather I think it is a side effect of the decrease in energy one suffers while recovering from illness.

Take some Echinacea to boost the immune system and a B-12 for the depression - Your system should normalize in a few days.
Reply:none of that should effect hormones/ PMS.

most of those herbals are for the sinus/cough etc that you had. spearmint is good for the tummy. stevia is a sweetener.

if you're not taking the tea anymore it should be out of your system in a day or 2 anyway.

I've heard that herbal tea with mint would help with gas what do you think?

My daughter is 7 weeks old and suffers from bad gas(colic).I've tryed Mylicon,Gripe water,Colic tablets and pumping her legs along with all the other things I could do to ease the pain,like singing,rocking etc.....None of them work when she is really in pain.Though I have heard to try Spearmint or Peppermint tea as long as it's caffeine free.What have you heard if anything about this remedy.Also any advice on relief unmentioned.I did tell the doctor about her gas(colic) and she suggested Mylicon or another form of over the counter remedy.Thank you for your help

~New Mommy in Arizona~

I've heard that herbal tea with mint would help with gas what do you think?
your daughter is too young to drink tea..... your daughter is too young to hold her head up by herself so I suggest laying her on her stomach and gently pat her back.

Green tea with a little piece of ginger does help ease colic. This is what my father usually gave me when I was a little boy. but your daughter is only 7 weeks old... too young.

I'm Chinese by the way...and a father of an 8th year old...
Reply:I agree with the other guy I wouldn't introduce tea right now it is too early and she is too young. Keep using those gas drops they work just keep up with the dosage because I think they allow you to give them a lot.
Reply:NOOOOOOOOOOOO she is to young no way. also I doubt it is colic bc everyone makes you think that and so did i when my son was that age (hes 3 months now). It was his milk he was on enfamil woo bad makes the super gassy. he was always crying and my life was horrid. I swicthed to goodstart and in a week wow life was so good and hes never has gas since nor cried all day.

Honest, open-minded people only please...?

I work as a stripper in Spearmint Rhinos in the UK %26amp; I got annoyed with the manager because he insisted there didn't have to be anyone near the dancers during private dances upstairs - as there were cameras on them (although no one was watching them)...with the old, good manager there always had to be some sort of protection/bouncers upstairs in case the girls got in trouble...am I being stupid for wanting bouncers within calling distance upstairs?

Nothing happened *this* time %26amp; so the manager %26amp; my bf think I am over-reacting, but surely I should be able to feel safe in this sort of environment?

It's meant to be a classy gentlemens club, not some sleazy backdoor whorehouse ffs. Should I just shut up about it?

Honest, open-minded people only please...?
it's complicated enough to work there. i guess you just want some sense of securiity.
Reply:thats preatty deep i think you should worry
Reply:i think u should do a decent job and not one u r not comfortable with. trust me on this....a pure life is better than a stained one....
Reply:You have a right to feel safe and secure. Your request is reasonable and any manager who is concerned about the safety of his employees would have no trouble in providing an environment you feel secure in.

Find another place to work and dump your insensitive boyfriend as well.
Reply:You are correct to want extra protection. Who is the manager to say if in a flash the guy that grabs you doesn't stab you or some other type of violence? You should insist on having a security guard present for ALL private dances.
Reply:If you really want my honest opinion, I think that it is so sad that you have such a job. Why do such a thing? It only pays until they fire you because you are "too old" for their standards. What's going to happen next. Consider getting an education to have a better life in the future. I don't mean to be disrespectful but thats just what I think.
Reply:I can understand your worries, I would request a bouncer be in a door away or something. I mean, the customers might be upset if there is one in the room as it's supposed to be private, but your safety is certainly an issue.
Reply:Management have a duty of care to your health and SAFETY in a work environment (as do you to your own health %26amp; safety) - so a risk assessment of your health and safety MUST address risks identified. The Health %26amp; Safety Executive could advise you further - please don't let this one drop.
Reply:Nope.... stick to your guns.... you have every right to......

your establishment should have plenty of protection in lieu of your profession....it's the least they could do--if not, then they do not have any respect for their female employees. And that, my friend is SEXIST.
Reply:That seems reasonable to me. What matters is how you feel about the situation. If you feel uncomfortable, they should respect your concern. I'm sure you know more about it than anybody else does.
Reply:No you're not over-reacting at all. You have a right to feel safe within your working environment. :-)
Reply:I don't think you're being unreasonable. It's you at risk , not them!

I am surprised your bf lets you do this!!
Reply:not at all.

there should defiantly be some sort of protection.
Reply:I completely agree with your opinion. If I were in your position I would definitely want some sort of protection. You should feel safe and if you don't I would continue to speak up to your manager. AND, I think your boyfriend should want you to feel safe as well!
Reply:you have a right to have security nearby just in case.

ask the other girls how they all feel about it.

if they feel the same way you do..approach the manager %26amp; let him know...you want it the way it used to be originally.

you have every right to have security provided for you...

look at it this way..without the girls..the club wouldn't be making money.

good luck to you.
Reply:Whatever u do, some risks r there. I'm a civil engineer but my life is in all the time in risk as I've to work in close vicinity of fast trains. A small mistake and I'm gone. God saved me 10 times. I go for this risky jcontracts because my profit margin is more than 100%. I'm taking the risk as I want more money. Same is ur problem. U too want easy and fast buck. U have to take certain risks and ur safety is in ur hand. If someone bounces on u, u must know how to protect urself. Self defence is the best defence. U can take lessions in martial art and learn how to defend urself. That will the best course for u. U can kick off strongest man very easily as he won't expect any assault from u. Don't bother about ur physique. The kind of job u r doing, I hope u r in good shape,. Go to gym and tone up ur muscles.
Reply:You are a presious woman. You need all the safety you can get. These men are not nessisarilly GENTLEMEN. Men are really just as sleazy whether they are in a suit or in boxer shorts. I hope you get all the protection you deserve.

Is this the type of work you want or would like to do something else?

blessings and peace to you.
Reply:laws are laws and if you dont like them (they will enforce them to prevent getting shut down,) open up your own underground strip clubs.
Reply:Naw, you should feel safe no matter where you work. In your case I don't think it's unreasonable to at least have one bouncer up there when you're working. I mean drunk men can get out of hand.

Maybe you should go to another place that suits your needs.
Reply:no you shouldn't shut up about it. it's your body, and you deserve protection and the dignity you deserve. Don't give up. It's your right. If your manager wants your employment then he should at least return the favor with a paycheck and some necessary protection.

Reply:I would think having bouncers within ear-shot of your girls would be pretty much standard. I had a friend who once went off on a female stripper and ended up getting arrested (my ex boyfriend). No you are in the right. You need to gather some of the other girls and barge into his office demanding this.

I'm not judging you or trying to tell you how to live your life, however I would personally get into something more lucrative than stripping. Do you really want to spend your whole life pleasing perverts? I would take this as an oppritunity. Quit.
Reply:I would think that they would have someone watching for troublemakers all the time. A camera is not going to able to grab some creep that gets out of hand. No, I don't think you should give up on it. You have a valid argument for wanting to be safe. Good luck with it!
Reply:If I were you I'd descretely mention it to other girls working there (don't mention what the manager said or that you spoke to him about it- just express your worries) and see what their responses are. If the majority of you feel the same then you'll have a united front- you can go and talk to the manager about it again.

I think you're well within your rights to want someone nearby to help. Sometimes things get out of hand. I've only ever had one lapdance in my life, but I have to admit I was sitting there thinking 'do NOT touch - do NOT touch'. I'm no pervert or a groper, and I DIDN'T touch, but the situation of attractive girl dancing naked in close proximity + normal male instincts + social responsibility to behave = very peculiar / difficult situation.

Just be careful not to stir things up or people will think you're out to cause trouble.
Reply:girls are so much more fragile than guys.. i think you should tell them to shove it if they dont have your best intrests at heart.. and ps. if your boyfriend doesnt take your side when it comes to your safety and welfare.. then tell him to shove it too.. good luck hun
Reply:I thought that is what bouncers are hired to do...protect the girls!...you are not over reacting, they are. I shoudn't say this, but its only my personal opinion - do you think they might be 'selling' you out?!!...becareful %26amp; take care...not this time maybe next time, maybe this time they are just 'testing the water'....
Reply:It's important that you feel safe when your working in that kind of environment. if you don't feel comfortable in that kind of setting insist that you have them there or rethink a new job. even though it's prob good money your saftey is much more important and being happy.
Reply:no i would be concerned also...you have no idea what drunk horny guys are capable of doing to you ...expecially if no one is around you...guys are alot bigger and stronger...you dont want to be taken advantage of.
Reply:Nope.....you have every logical reason to have a bouncer within calling distance, if you can't come to a compromise with management on that, you should probably find a different club to work at, there's no telling when a patron may get out of hand, and it could be a serious threat to your well-being if you have no backup.....
Reply:your not over-reacting at all, they are clearly putting you in a vulnerable and possibly dangerous position. You have a right to expect that your safety is protected, why else does the club/manager make money from your work. maybe see if other dancers at the club agree with you, power in numbers and all that. and even if the club is suppose to be classy, that isn't any grantee about the character of the men in there, it shouldn't matter when your safety is concerned.
Reply:No way, if you don't feel safe then you should either keep on at them or just quit. Sure nothing's happened so far but what if it did. If some guy tries to hurt you or worse then its not going to matter how many times it 'didn't happen'.

Camera's are not enough, you should talk to some of the other girls and try to get there support, it would be hard to ignore if you all told the manager you had a problem with it.
Reply:It's difficult to say. Do any of the other girls see this as a problem? If so then get together and put your point across to the manager. If you all threaten to walk unless he changes things then he may see your point of view. I think you are right though - better safe than sorry! Best of luck to you.


Does anybody know???....?

How many pounds you'd get off of 10 basil plants or

10 Dill

10 Chives

10 Garlic

10 Marjoram

10 Peppermint

10 Chocolate Mint

10 Orange Mint

10 Spearmint

10 Oregano

10 Rosemary

10 Tyme

10 Terragon

10 Cilantro

I'm very new at herb farming and I'm struggleing with the business plan. Please let me know if you can help! Even if you only know a few of these herbs. I only need an average or an estimate... or if you know of a site that might help me out....

I've searched every where online for this information and have found nothing! Thank you soooo much!

Does anybody know???....?
If you are doing this as a business I would stagger your plantings...so if a plant gets old or diseased or well, dies you have a back up. Im sure your mint will produce the most, because it goes nuts! Make sure you contain it or you will be fighting it. Rosemary is a slow grower, Id plant extra of it. Chives gorw very fast and 10 plants will probably produce 3-5 pounds every 2 weeks. Cilantro is alot like parsley you can cut it once a week and it will grow back pretty fast.Id say a safe bet with this list of herbs would be 3-5 pounds of herb every 2-3 weeks for 10 -12 plants of each.
Reply:I know my book square foot gardening it has that info in it. I'll go look for it and then add an edited note when I do. Until then here is the website. I love my SFG. High yield, low matenience!!!!


Reply:Not much .Your talking 10 plants and the ones you are asking about you only use the leaves except garlic. Rosemary would be your next heaviest weight.Herbs grow different in all areas but grow easy most of the time. If your looking to make cash growing herbs you would be better off just selling plants or get one of those seal a meal bag products and sell them at a flea market or to friends but hard to say how many pounds per harvest until you do it once.
Reply:sorry i don't understand your question but i'm familiar with chives, Garlic, peppermint and Oregano

I know chocolate beans, Oranges and mints but not sure if there is such a herb called chocolate mint or orange mint unless it's the combination.

Please help me correct and add to this essay. (due tomorrow)?

Ashley Doss

English 4Th Period


Whitening Toothpaste

I enjoy whitening toothpaste and brushing my teeth, because i enjoy the clean feeling in my mouth. I love whitening toothpaste especially, because white teeth are attractive to me. Toothpastes come in many varieties - Crest, Rembrandt, Oral B, Aquafresh. Some flavors toothpaste comes in are spearmint, mint, vanilla, cinnamon, and bursts of orange. Some children's toothpaste come in more fruity flavors.

I plan on doing my science fair project on "What whitens teeth, and how?" I would enjoy looking up what ingredient is in toothpaste that whitens teeth and how it works. Also, which toothpaste contains the most of this ingredient? Does the flavor of the toothpaste take away from the whitening ingredient doing it's job? Or maybe, it adds to it. These questions have probably already been answered. I believe asking my orthodontist or dentist these questions will further my knowledge on this topic. The Internet may also be of a good assistance. Perhaps the websites of the toothpaste brands will inform me and elaborate more thoroughly on some of these things.

The toothpaste that whitens my teeth the best is Crest. I have braces, so it should be more difficult to whiten and clean my teeth. But, Crest gets the job done well. My Crest toothpaste has "whitening strips" in it that make my breath very mint, and are supposed to whiten teeth.They obviously work for me.

Maybe the type of teeth a person has determines how white they can actually be without scraping the enamel off of their teeth. Possibly, the type of toothbrush determines this. I use a Crest Pulsar and it clean very well in the hard to reach places.So, for me, the best brand of dental whitening is Crest.

Please help me correct and add to this essay. (due tomorrow)?
Ashley, what was the question in mind? Was it "What is your fave toothbrush or toothpaste, or do you like toothpaste and brushing your teeth? To help you better, most people need the topic sentence. Email me at lucasbeck95@yahoo.com PLEASE. I can help you from there.

Reply:you have alot of "I" in your paper.

try rephrasing some of your sentences.

--these questions have probably already been answered.

^^you are totally bringing yourself down!^^

your ending is extremely choppy.

is this an essay or speech??

you have a few good ideas but i think you need to read through the whole thing again and readjust some of your sentences.
Reply:add more to the ending like i like crest because ....... you should use crest too. try it now by going o your nearest store. Thanks for lisening

Don't say I too much talk to them

My dear Pagan folk!?

Planting a garden. I've already got spearmint, which is getting it's own little sectioned off plot to go wild in. Sage is obvious. I'm allergic to lavender, so I try to steer clear of it. I already have roses (red, pink, and white). I'm intending for some daisies as well...

But I want suggestions. I'll only be able to maintain it (at latest) through Samhain. Plants don't survive well in cross-seas ventures with military moving companies. =(

What would you guys plant?

The lay out is four full-sun fertilized plots (one is 15'x5', the others are 8'x8' squares), two 15 gallon pots, two 5 gallon pots, two 4 gallon pots, three 20 gallon pots, several small pint sized pots and a long 'window box' (3'x 6"). There's also one full shade pot that's about 5 gallons.

My dear Pagan folk!?
Pansies, Sunflowers, gourds, Shasta daisies, Morning Glory, mints, Mugwort, wild flowers, Sweet Peas, ivy, Mums, Irises and Hostas (if you have deer, they love this stuff) can be planted and left to pretty much fend for themselves. It is survival of the fittest in my garden. What the dogs don't trample or dig up and my husband does not mow over, may live to return another year.

EDIT: Rosemary is pretty hardy and it is so useful. Clematis does ok under my cruel neglect. I love Basil. but the slugs come from miles around to eat it. I also accidentally grow thistle and garlic. Both volunteered. The thistle is great for attracting finches.
Reply:Give the lavender plenty of sandy soil and do not over water and it should do fine and smell lovely. Report It
Reply:Rosemary is always great to have around, as are strawberries (the fruit is great plus the leaves are very useful for teas)

I'm sorry to hear that you are allergic to lavender, I would go nuts without my lavender!

To "Pastor Winthrop": Boy, you are really asking for a good boot up the rear, aren't you you fricking troll!
Reply:Aloe Vera can even be grown indoors! Here is a site with tips:


Here is an other site about Selecting Herbs that are easy to Grow:


Good luck and my your thumb be GREEN!

Bright Blessings
Reply:this year I'm planting - pole beans, mesculine, tomatoes, bell pepper, basil, sage, oregano, parsley, beets, rosemary, lavender, mint, peppermint, chocolate mint, zuccucnni, yellow squash, and cucumbers
Reply:lol - funny, my answer would be the same as heathen princess!

i only plant things which don't require any care from me, otherwise i'll just kill them :(

and, unlike every other pagan in the world, i don't enjoy reading!!!!!! i love learning, but i learn better by attending seminars or lectures, or watching a program.

just plant whatever calls to you. whatever you like :)
Reply:If feasible, I'd suggest rue and vervain; both tend to thrive on neglect, though I don't know how well they travel.
Reply:I like tyme and basil.. I find them to be a very relaxing addition and they can be used in your cooking so thats always a help.
Reply:I have a black thumb. No I'm not kidding. I swear to Thor I could kill a weed.

So I don't plant anything that can't mostly survive on it's own. So far the holly bushes are still alive and the tree. Other then that.....

Really I am a disgrace to pagans everywhere. I don't believe in reincarnation, I don't practice magic and I can't grow a damn thing.

edit: Pastor tsk tsk. We have sacrifices a human in almost 1000 years. Though if you are volunteering I'm sure we could work something out....
Reply:In your situation, I would add rosemary and thyme, but especially Borage, Comfrey, Solomon's Seal and Yarrow.

Rattlesnake Master if you can find it. Other good ones are Althaea, Angelica, Basil (good eats), Black Cohosh, Thistle, Blue flag iris, Catnip, Fennel, Feverfew, Honeysuckle, Oregano and Peonies.

I would look for inexpensive annuals and some of the perennials that neighbors would share - these have their own power depending on the neighbor and guarantee they grow well in your area. Many of these are good for dining also - oregano, thyme, rosemary, sage, fennel, and basil are all common to use in cooking.
Reply:Rosemary, heather, thyme and basil.
Reply:As our ancestors were rather practical folk, the most common thing one would find in their gardens were plants which would serve a good purpose. Generally, anything which can be used in cooking is a good idea, although given your time constraints with regards what you'd be planting, I'd suggest something that may, by its very nature have a short effective lifespan.

If you're interested in leechcraft, then the book of the same name by Pollington gives some excellent information with regards to what plants were once known as, how they were used, especially for medicinal purposes, as well as general information on practical ideas for magical uses based on techniques which were mentioned in early sources.

Now I'd also be looking at plants which are native to your particular area and which will survive the climatic conditions that you have.

So, there you have it, nothing specific, but some all around general ideas for you. Best of Hamingja with your planting.



But, if you have a wet summer, it will get powdery mildew. (spray with 1:1:10 soap:veg oil:water to kill.)

And pay no attention to the "it will take over" people. It's not a true mint and reproduces by spreading clumps, not suckers.

It smells wonderful and will bring bees to your other plants.

It's also an indigenous North American plant, if that's where you are.

Where I am, in New York, wild monarda is actually considered "Exploitably Vulnerable" because people pick the wild flower (grrrrrrr) and it's a much needed plant for native species (and feral and domestic bees) so by planting commericial varieties, it feeds those species.

Also, you get to see these, which are neater looking in flight than in pictures. They look like faeries:


You have to plant the specific monarda they eat to see them, though.

martial arts shoes

What is the difference between peppermint and spearmint?

Peppermint is a (usually) sterile hybrid mint, a cross between watermint and spearmintIt is occasionally found wild with its parent species in central and southern Europe, but the first intentional crossbreed of watermint and spearmint was done in England. Being sterile, it spreads by rooting.

Spearmint is a species of mint native to central and southern Europe, where it grows in wet soils.

Water mint is a perennial plant in the mentha genus common throughout Europe, except for the extreme North.

What is the difference between peppermint and spearmint?
i agree

peppermint has a sweeter taste

spearmint kind of bites back. It's okay but I prefer peppermint
Reply:They are different plants, and they have different tastes.

Sorta like the difference between apples and pears.
Reply:They are slightly different plants, but from the same family.

I definitely disagree with two of the previous posters though... spearmint is "sweeter" where peppermint is called peppermint because it has a sharp peppery mint flavor.

Check these pages for many more details:



Diane B.
Reply:peppermint is sweet

spearmint has a sharp taste i find unpleasant

Wheres the best strip club to work at in london???

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Las Vegas bachelor party?

Planning a bachelor party and wanting to go to Vegas. There will be four to six guys. Planning on flying out either friday night or saturday morning and flying back sunday. Want to stay at the Palms. On top of that, I'm looking at this package: VIP host, 8 hr limo(gratuity included), dinner at Gordon Biersch (gratuity included), VIP access to Spearmint Rhino Gentlemen's Club including VIP table with $250 bar credit and two exotic dancers for 1 hour, VIP table service at Pure nightclub (gratuity included) reserved table including 3 bottles of premium liquor + mixers. Price is quoted at $599 per person for six people.

Does this sound like a decent deal? Could I improve on this at all either entertainment wise or price wise? Remember, that does not include the airfare or hotel, of course.

Never been to Vegas so any advice from persons who have been there would be great.

Las Vegas bachelor party?
That sounds pretty good to me. VIP table service at those clubs run $200-$300, so that with the $250 bar credit at the strip club seems like a good deal. You could figure out how much all of this will cost individually and see if it's a better deal. Just make sure you get the top shelf booze and order steaks at dinner!

Make sure you book this night with a reputable company. I'm sure many of these scam artists use this as a way to take your money. Make sure you do some research and find a company with a good reputation, you can also check with the Better Business Bureau
Reply:call me i'll beat any price. 800 956 3809 www.siennaentertainment.com Report It
Reply:That's not a bad deal, but figure your airfare and hotel will also run you about that much. AND, sometimes, the hotels in Vegas don't allow Saturday arrivals (depending on what's going on in town) - you need to check before you sign anything. It would suck to lay out $600 a person for the party and then $2000 for the plane ticket and room, and not be able to check in when you want.

What would you do?

You're handcuffed and locked in the trunk of a car. It's an older car so there's no emergency latch to get you out. Here's what you have to work with: 36 cents in change (a quarter, a dime and a nickel), jumper cables, a stick of chewing gum (spearmint), a towel and your house keys.

How would you use these items to get yourself out?

What would you do?
i would cover my face with the towel (for no reason at all)

chew the gum and stick it on the jumper cable (for no reason at all)

then bribe my dad with the house keys and 36 cents to let me out of the trunk of his car.
Reply:I'd kick the back seat out and crawl into the car but I'd be fascinated to hear how you get out ;)
Reply:I would throw those against the window and hope someone will hear all the noise and save me.
Reply:Mmm, I would probably just kick back and chew the gum......
Reply:i would pray to god do something random and hope the boot opens
Reply:i dunno ask maguyver
Reply:i will go to sleep

Reply:I would punch out the rear lights and wave my hands madly to attract attention
Reply:Did you just make this up?
Reply:You've been watching way too much McGayver haven't you?
Reply:i dont know.

leather slippers

Is this safe in late pregnancy?

I know some teas and herbs are best avoided during late pregnancy because of the risk of uterine contractions so I was wondering if any of you knew if these herbs were safe. This is a tea that I'd like to try but not sure if it is safe. I'm 38 weeks pregnant and dilated to a 2. (Just for info)











That is what the tea consists of..do you see any red flags or am I ok to frink this for relaxation? Thank you.

Is this safe in late pregnancy?
Absolutely not!!!! Herbs are drugs just as powerful and dangerous as drugs sold over the counter or by prescription!!! Especially when taken during pregnancy! Please, please ask your doctor about it. And why not just let nature take it's course? You are already 2cm, labour will soon start anyways. Best wishes, and congradulations to you and your family!
Reply:I'd skip all of those and drink red rasbarry leaf tea(for uterus widwife's tell you to drink it near then end of pregnancy) and fenugreek(to help with milk flow).
Reply:as far as i know these are all safe but if in doubt talk to your doctor...
Reply:you already have a kid. didn't you already go through this before why are you asking?

How can I increase my estrogen levels naturally?

i'm a 24 yr old female with pcos (polycystic ovarian disorder). my gyn says that i have slightly elevated testosterone levels and low estrogen levels. im already on spironolactone (anti-androgenic drug) and high dose estrogen birth control.

i also take these natural supplements:

-spearmint tea x 2 cups a day

-soy protein 30 mg daily plus soy milk and tofu

-anise, black cohosh, fennel, raspberry, sage, sarsaparilla, squawvine, unicorn root and wild yam root

-im on a low carb diet with 75% raw foods

is there anything else i should do which will help me conceive?

thanks so much in advance (:

How can I increase my estrogen levels naturally?
Yoga might help to balance your endocrine system - I find that it's really good for that...

And then, did you know that yams/sweet potatoes have estrogen? Scientists think that's why African tribes for whom yams are a staple are incredibly fertile. :)
Reply:Two things come to mind from your list: 1) I'd actually be careful of my soy intake as it's a) cooling and suppressing to the sexual chi in the body, and 2) Look closely at the 75% raw foods diet. Yes, this diet, if done correctly, will make you very clean and very clear, but to make hormones in quantity, the body needs steady strong and reliable sources of protein and zinc. If by 75% raw, you're including oysters, shellfish and fish in that diet (which I highly doubt somehow...), good on ya, and way to go. The primary clues that you need to stop with the raw foods will be a) you'll start to freeze in the winter and quite literally find that no matter what you do, you cannot keep warm, b) you will begin to find yourself becoming cachexic, that is--so thin and in a condition where your body is literally starting to digest itself, that people will start to ask you if you are anorexic. c) You may find yourself having odd dreams of steak and chicken and standard American balanced meals w/ meat, starch (usually mashed potatoes w/ gravy) and 2 or 3 veggies plus bread, butter, milk and dessert. This can take a long time to occur, especially if you were pudgy or round to begin with and had a lot of "excess" to get rid of. I would remind you that anything taken to excess becomes its opposite. This is to say, a diet that started as a health increasing measure can indeed become a source of illness and disease if continued too strictly or too long. No Native American Tribe in North America practiced exclusive raw foods eating. And there's a reason for this: to live and to thrive primarily out of doors in North American, one needs to eat hearty, warming, build up foods, not cold, cooling, breakdown, raw foods. These are wonderful for you in the warm and hot weather, and you'll probably be quite fine for a few years, especially if you are inside during the cold weather. Watch out for year 7 of this or any other highly restrictive diet. Year 7 is when the body's natural stores of Vit B12 run out. Year 7 is when people in the raw foods and macrobiotic communities start to FREEZE in the winter times and literally NOT be able to keep themselves warm. It's when they start craving sweets uncontrollably (a sign of protein deficiency), start experiencing an inability to focus, concentrate and put out sufficiently meaningful work, and when their sexual energy pretty much goes to hell, so don't say I didn't warn ya...And I say these things to you as a woman who lived and worked professionally in the macrobiotic commuity from the age of 17 to about 25, and still to this day eats extremely healthfully. Change is imperative. I'm not saying don't keep up with your raw foods regime. I'm saying know what it will look like in the body when it's time to stop. Do not stay in one place dietarily EVER. I'd also look strongly at adding Vitex agnus castus to my list of herbs, as well as kelp and other seaweeds such as wakame, arame, hijiki, alaria, sea palm, dulse, agar agar, carrageenan, etc., etc. If you're needing to rebalance your hormones and are too high in androsteroids, look strongly at eating shiitake and maitake mushrooms, and fungi in general. These will help to break down old meat fats and energies in the body b/c of their extremely strong and medicinal yin qualities. I have some SERIOUS questions about using synthetic drugs and more especially synthetic estrogens in the body to try to create balance. I don't quite want to say, "It won't happen, you'll just pendulum swing the other way...but I'm very close to saying just exactly that to you." Sorry, no confidence vote w/ the high dose estrogens or the spironolactone...Big red flags and big yellow caution lights going off for me...Whatever you do, avoid milk, eggs all dairy and non-organic meats and chickens like the plague...Sounds like you're already well on your way there. There have been MANY reports of women wearing strings of myrrh beads finally having luck conceiving. I would also strongly recommend the services of a good acupuncturist/Chinese herbalist.
Reply:Flax has long been used as a natural estrogen replacement for women who need more estrogen. It is best to get whole seeds and grind up a tablespoon at a time so it is freshest. You can put it in water and drink it, or add it to a smoothy or protein shake. We even put it in our muffins here. Flax's natural estrogens are very good, plus Flax also is a great source for natural omega's .

EDIT: Forgot to say that a cheap coffee grinder is great for this. That is what I use, and it makes it really easy.

Aaargh I used a face mask and it made my face go red, what should I do?

It was one of those fabric ones with spearmint and tea tree, I'm not normally allergic but after a few mins it stung, so I took it off and washed my face and now I'm red as a tomato! I've gotta go to a relatives 2moro to exchange Xmas presents so any tips? I'm putting ice on it to relieve the stinging and put some aloe vera lotion (which is good for sunburn) on it but it made it sting more so I wiped it off, help me please!!!

Aaargh I used a face mask and it made my face go red, what should I do?
take some ibuprofen (or other anti-infammotory) put nothing on your face except cool unscented cream .. go to bed, good nights rest.... go to bed... n hope for the best ! ! ! good luck. reckon you'll be fine in the morning......
Reply:You are probably allergic to some of the huge number of additives they pour into these products. I don't know why pharmaceutical companies think the clean natural smell of Tea Tree needs 'improving' with mint. Tea Tree itself has great healing properties, but I expect the spearmint was a concoction made from chemicals.

I found a doctors Q%26amp;A about a face mask causing problems, and provide the link below.
Reply:Get some Eucerin Aphaphor from the Grocery Store or Drug Store and apply it over night - that stuff heals anything.
Reply:obviously its not a good scrub for you! all i can say is splash cold water on your face, and moisturize with a fragrence-less lotion and wait till it goes away, it will. and remember to NEVER use that mask again (:
Reply:it should be back to normal in the morning

but ive had a problem once where my face stayed red for 3 days

try puttin lots of moisturiser on because it's cold on ur skin.

There's not much else you can do to be honest though

but i wouldn't use that face mask again lol

Merry Christmas :-)
Reply:Wear a yellow scarf.
Reply:Lots of water....cool-luke warm, pat dry with doft towel. Piriton to stop the itch if you have one. Look at ingredients to ensure you don't use it again.....

I have hte smae reaction to most face masks. Make your own next time.

Good Luck
Reply:I dont think there's much you can do now any process you take will take a few days
Reply:Put a little Vaseline Petroleum Jelly on your face it helps quite a bit.
Reply:If its an allergic reaction, i think you could take an anti-histamine such as hay fever tablets. Something like Piriton or Benadryl.

Cooked or uncooked Buttercream icing....?

So I'm wanting to make gourmet type cupcakes but I'm very new to the baking and making of the ingredients part of it all. I was being trained at a very high end Bakery to be a cake decorator so I can handle that part of it but the only icings I actually have made are chocolate ganache and whipped cream icings. I'm trying to come up with a good buttercream recipe but I'm noticing that there are 2 different types of butter cream recipes out there. Cooked and uncooked. I made an uncooked buttercream but it was so sweet it ended up tasting like a store bought buttercream icing. Just kind of gross. So the question is which recipe would head me in the right direction?

Also I used the McCormick mint extract when trying to make some mint buttercream and it gave the flavor of spearmint gum rather then yummy mint flavored butterceam. Any recommendations?

Cooked or uncooked Buttercream icing....?
1:2:2 recipe. 1 lb egg whites, 2 lbs sugar, 2 lbs butter. Mix the sugar and whites, place over a pot of hot water on the stove. Stir every once and a while, you are cooking the mixture, when the sugar has melted and the liquid is clear and smooth, pour it into a mixing bowl. Whisk until cool. Cut the butter in to small pieces and slowly add to the meringue mixture. ( the mix will look like it is going to crack - split - but it is ok keep mixing it and you will get a nice white butter cream.

Flavour wise just add a drop or two of pepermint flavour (if that is what you want.) If need be add another drop but it is easier to add some more that to try and take some out. Good Luck


Piece of Cake Inc

Black Truffle Chocolates Inc.
Reply:Here is a recipe for the cooked Buttercream frosting. In my younger days I used it to make a Bassinet cake for a baby shower that served 48 people. The cake turned out perfect and the frosting tasted like custard - not sweet at all. In fact, it was so good, a woman at the shower was eating the frosting off the styrofoam bassinet hood with a spoon!! To decorate with it, be sure to put the cooked portion through a sieve to remove any lumps. This is from my cookbook called "Decorating Cakes and Party Foods Baking Too! by Louise Spencer:


1 c milk

1/4 c unsifted, all-purpose flour

1 c butter at room temperature

1 c granulated sugar (yes granulated)

2 tsp vanilla

Combine milk and flour in small saucepan over medium heat, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Cream butter and sugar until very fluffy. Add vanilla and cooled flour mixture. Continue to beat at medium speed until frosting is very fluffy and sugar is completely dissolved.

CAUTION: IF buttercream is to be used for tube work, (borders, etc.), flour and milk mixture should be rubbed through a wire strainer before it is added to creamed butter and sugar. Yield: 3 cups; enough to frost, fill and border a 9" cake.

NOTE: This is the best tasting buttercream I have every used, a favorie of my family and students alike. I hope you will try it.
Reply:Butter Cream Frosting

2 sticks of butter, softened

2 cups powdered sugar

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3-4 tablespoons milk

With an electric mixed whip butter until creamy; add powdered sugar, lemon juice and vanilla. Combine until well mixed. Add milk by the tablespoonful until desired constancy is reached.

For chocolate:

Melt 2 squares of semi-sweet baking chocolate and add to the sugar butter mixture before adding milk. Then add milk by the tablespoonful until desired constancy is reached.

By using lemon juice you eliminate the need for salt and it also cuts down on the sweetness of the frosting - I have been doing it this way for years and everybody loves my frosting.
Reply:ccoked buttercream tastes better but its impossible to decorate with...to decrease the sweatness use half butter half crisco and increase the vanilla extract just a little...have fun
Reply:Buttercream Icing

2 cups butter or margarine

2 cups sifted confectioners sugar

2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk

2 large egg whites

1/2 cup sifted confectioners sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 cup confectioners sugar

Place butter in mixing bowl, add 2 cups confectioners sugar, mix at low speed to obtain smooth paste. Whip at medium speed, adding the sweetened condensed milk slowly and gradually until light and fluffy.

Using a very clean bowl and beater, whip the egg whites until stiff while adding the 1/2 cup confectioners sugar slowly. Mix this meringue slowly into the above butter mixture. Add vanilla extract and remaining 1/2 cup confectioners sugar. This last amount of sugar can be doubled if stiffer icing is desired.

NOTE: Best results are obtained when butter and sugar are at room temperature and egg whites and milk are cold out of the refrigerator.
Reply:Go to the wilton web site. It is an uncooked buttercream and I enjoy the taste of it.ps lucky you I wish I knew how to decorate a cake the way the pros do.You probably should have used the peppermint extract instead of the mint.

Teeth Pain

Las Vegas Prostitutes?

Im 22 and just got back from Las Vegas. I stayed at the Rio 2 nights...and the Luxor 2 nights. I am from Pittsburgh and was amazed at the amount of beautiful women everywhere I looked. It was a real culture shock to me. I went to the Spearmint Rhino which was a very nice club where I got a dance with a very beautiful and very cool girl who came to Vegas from Mexico City. The thing that amazed me was every night around nine o clock you could see the beautiful prostitutes everywhere. They came straight up to me from every direction asking me if I wanted to have fun. I did give in one night and after some negotiating had fun with a very exotic looking Columbian girl for 500 dollars. you can say im sick, hypocrite, immmoral, or watever but what I'm thinking about now is why do you think its just so tolerated there? or is it such a big problem noone can stop it?

Las Vegas Prostitutes?
I guess because Vegas is such a party town, everyone is there to have fun and maybe people turn a blind eye to it. If a woman is turning to prostitution maybe she can't do anything else or the money is too good to resist. I think that as long as you and her are using protection and not doing anything indecent in front of people its all good.
Reply:Thats vegas for you sometimes you'll never know

Reply:ahh.. isnt vegas great? I just got back too.. and i live in pittsburgh.. -cranberry township

I wanna MOVE to vegas. :) lets go!
Reply:Prostitution is not tolerated here in Las Vegas at all. The problem is, there are so many girls who know that tourists will pay! Hundreds of prostitutes are booked every night at the Clark County Detention Center. But you can't catch them all. I can promise you though - prostitution is ILLEGAL in the city of Las Vegas.
Reply:Because there are people like you who will pay $500 to toss and turn.

Supply %26amp; Demand.....just like Guns %26amp; Butter

Does anyone have a remedy for night time dry cough, and dry throat ?

I usually just pop a spearmint in my mouth, but am on a low carb diet, and don't really want to eat candy, or anything with sugar in it. I've tried water, the humidifier, syrups, and nothing seems to help !

Does anyone have a remedy for night time dry cough, and dry throat ?
I have the same problem, due to my medications. I keep water by the bed. Also, sugar-free throat lozenges--you can find them in any large store--and ask your dentist for a tube of mouth moisturizer. He can tell you how to get more if you try it and like it. And the humidifier is a good idea, also. One must attack this problem from several directions! Good luck.
Reply:Yea try the lemon and honey or you can also drink some hot tea
Reply:mix equal parts of honey and ginger juice and take about half a teaspoon twice a day. should help.
Reply:Limejuice should be diluted in a glass of warm water, and a teaspoonful of honey should be added to it. It forms an ideal remedy for a cold and dry cough.

Ginger is also an excellent food remedy for colds and coughs. Ginger should be cut into small pieces and boiled in a cup of water; it should then be strained and half a teaspoon of sugar added to it. It should be drunk while it is still hot, in case of colds.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.
Reply:For dry cough and dry throat, I have found very comfortable relief with a glass of hot water. Heat it to a temperature like a hot tea of coffee, sip it like coffee or tea slowly. I have suggested to a couple of friends and they found it useful.



Reply:sugar-free throat lozanges such as Halls usually does the trick for me. I get the exact same thing
Reply:consume hot water in eve
Reply:Make yourself some cough syrup. The only problem is that you may be over this one before it's ready but you'll have it for next time. Go buy some Old Crow Whiskey, Lots of Peppermint, and Honey. Drink or poor out 1/4 of the bottle. Then crush up the Peppermints until it rises the Whiskey back to the top of the bottle. Next put about a teaspoon maybe a tablespoon of Honey in it. Finally you close it up and set it up until all the Peppermint is melted away. Every time you walk by it shake it up a little, meaning tip it upside down and by up straight a few times. Then just set it back down. In a few weeks or maybe a little longer it'll be ready. When all the Peppermint is melted away that means it's ready. When done you just take a few swigs from it.

What do you like best? I need at least 100 answers!?

I need 100 answers on what chewing gum you like the best.

You can only choose from Wrigley's chewing gums though. (e.g. orbit, extra)

Please say which flavour of it you like as well....

e.g. My favourite is: Orbit spearmint

I cannot count no chewing gum, other brands of chewing gum and any flavours from the wrigley's range that is not available in the UK. I can only accept one answer per person.

I an accept: Extra (including ice), orbit complete, airwaves and spearmint and double mint.

I cannot accept: Hubba Bubba or Juicy fruit.

If you are unsure of which is your favourit you can visit: http://www.wrigley.co.uk/index.cfm?artic...

I really need 100 answers as soon as possible, thanks!

What do you like best? I need at least 100 answers!?
spearmint too.
Reply:Wrigley's Spearmint
Reply:I love Orbit Mint Mojito. it tastes like a margarita
Reply:Juicy Friut or spiriment
Reply:Juicy Fruit....a damn! Uh, Orbit peppermint
Reply:Wrigley's spirment gum.
Reply:Wrigley's Spearmint ...

Good luck on your project!
Reply:I like Bubblemint (orbit)
Reply:Uhm the green kind, Spearmint??

This is for all the muslim out der click ere...?



TicTac Lime/Orange

TicTac Orange

Spearmint Imperials-Bassetts

Wine Gums Standard And Mini Maynards

Wine Gums Soft-Maynards

Wine Gums Sours-Maynards

Wine Pastilles-Maynards

Strawberry Bonbons-Bassetts

Liquorice Allsorts-Bassetts

Jelly Babies-Bassetts

Jelly Babies Fruity-Bassetts

Jelly Babies Milky-Bassetts

Jelly Babies Party-Bassetts

Liquorice Allsorts-Bassetts

Extra Strong Spearmint-Trebor

Extra Strong Mints-Trebor

Boost Sweets Cadbury

Dairy Milk Santa Cadbury

Golden Skins Crisps

Pepperoni%26amp;Cheese (Contains Beef And Pork)

Schweppes Lemonade Shandy

Mr Potato Head Roast Chicken Flavour

Walkers Sensations Crisps Slow Roasted Lamb %26amp; Mint Flavour Haraam

Walkers Crisps Smoky Bacon Flavour Please Avoid

Frazzles Please Avoid

Walkers Sensations Poppadom Bites Spicy Tandoori Masala Flavour

Doritos Tangy Cheese Flavour Haraam(Pork Extract)

be careful


This is for all the muslim out der click ere...?
But that's all of life's little pleasures. :(

Bacon butty anyone?
Reply:Pork/swine has always been forbidden in God’s Law. Jews follow it too. Man usually doesn’t consider carnivorous animals suitable to eat. Pig’s case, however, is ambiguous. It is omnivorous. That’s why it was explicitly forbidden. The dietary law of Islam regarding meat forbids the following:

1) Flesh of a dead animal (which otherwise is generally used as edible);

2) Flowing blood;

3) Flesh of a swine; and

4) Anything that is slaughtered in the name of something other than God or is slaughtered without taking God's name on it.
Reply:anything with pork or wine is haram u dnt have 2 specify everything and y are tictacs haram mosh fahem

isotoner slippers


I was at spearmint rhino in rialto, california on friday night and I was just wondering how much money do they make a night? I saw one girl give like atleast 6 dances and I heard her say she only does fantasy dances and those are $60 so that would be $360 that she made right there and plus the tip money from dancing on stage.

yeah strippers make good money lol.

use to babysit for one, was always loaded. id say she made like 500 a night.
Reply:$600 is not uncommon there.
Reply:probably alot but the club takes a cut
Reply:strippers can make a lot of money. thousands!
Reply:They do and can make a great deal of money in a short period, but at what cost? They will not give you a number because of Taxes. Uncle Sam has still not found a way to tax them.
Reply:Why, are you going to be one?
Reply:isn't that club by a highway?

A sleazy "gentleman's" club by a sleazy highway..they make money, but not enough...
Reply:lol i have no idea

DID YOU KnOW..............???

that corbin bleu's (which is a singer/actor/model/dancer NOT FOOD!!!!!!!) favorite gum is eclipse spearmint?

his favorite beverage is lemonade?

his favorite number is 8?

his lucky charm is a tap shoe?

his ideal girl has to be funny, smart, pretty, and not cocky?

well, guess what? i did.

what else do you know about him? AND PLEASE DON"T SAY he's ugly or gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DID YOU KnOW..............???
that is real name isnt corbin bleu. its just his stage name. he did that, becuz his dad was also in the acting buis; %26amp; they wanted there carerrs to be separate.

%26amp;, of course that hes fine!
Reply:Nothing, but thanks for the heads up, now I so have to add that to my like diary, like for sure. Corbin like OMG!! WE %26lt;3 U

Honestly I've only seen him on DC like 2wice and he's super skinny
Reply:hhmm well...i need 2 points !!

just another obsessed little girl. she lost 5 points by "asking", I mean telling people about something that i'm sure no one on here really cares about.

thanks for the points though.
Reply:obssessed much?
Reply:Who the heck is that? I guess he's some young teenage actor who will be popular for about another year(at the most), then he'll fade out! Sorry to burst your bubble baby, you'll just have to get over it! What kind of name is corbin bleu anyway?
Reply:Are you talking about the mop-head from Disney?

No, I didn't know any of this stuff.

Yet, my life hasn't changed any by knowing.

Thank you for the news.
Reply:He is a just a person, what is so special about him that we have to know what his lucky charm is?
Reply:why would i need to know that? did u know that half life 2 deathmeatch owns? that didnt change ur life, the same as ur stuff didnt change mine
Reply:Yes I also knew that. hes so hott.
Reply:I dont know anything about him!!
Reply:There is a point when obsession goes a bit too far. It is fine for you to be infatuated with a celebrity. All kids are. When you grow up a little you will realise how completely silly you were obsessing over something/someone that is not in your immediate circle of life. Go find some friends - and enjoy this guys 'singing' or 'acting' or wahtever, but do not think you are some really cool person to know all of this. It is rather sad.

Help! on kissing..?

Do you prefer spearmint or peppermint?

What do you like them to tell you after?

Lip Gloss or No lip Gloss?


Thanks in advance!

PS. I'm really inexperianced.... if I kiss a guy that is?? and he doesn't like it, will he understand or make fun of me behind my back?

Help! on kissing..?

They'll probably blirt the answer out.

no lip gloss is probably better cause it gets smeared everywhere so everyone knows you've been sucking face.

If you're going to kiss with braces make sure there are no sharp pieces and a word of warning if you kiss someone else with braces your braces may get hooked on their braces and that's just an embarrassing thing to try and get out of as the only way to get apart is either break the braces or get a dentist or someone of that nature to get you apart.

There is really no proper way to kissing everyone is different, but there are a few pointers to help you out.

the best way to kiss is just to not think about it and do it

i sucked at first too,

But i got a guy friend to teach me :)

he didnt mind! so maybey that's what you should do!

Practice on a guy friend or something.

its not slutty,

its just practice :)

ON kissing!!?

Do you prefer spearmint or peppermint?

What do you like them to tell you after?

Lip Gloss or No lip Gloss?


Thanks in advance!

ON kissing!!?
don't think so much about kissing. just relax and do it. as long as you don't have onion breath or anything like that, don't worry about mint flavors or braces or what to say. go with the flow.
Reply:i prefer girls with a taste of spearmint, and gloss, gloss is a plus for guys, gives that incredible after taste,

with braces, of course you can kiss someone with braces, usually one person would have more tence lips than the other, usually the girls would, so you wouldnt really be able to tell
Reply:haha, of course you can kiss with braces,

theres pratically no difference.

and ide say wear lipgloss guys like it:)

leather casual sandals

Stride gum?

wut is your favorite flavor of stride gum?

light blue- sweet peppermint

dark blue- winterblue

green- spearmint

yellow- forever fruit

pink- sweet berry

red/orange- cinnamon

Stride gum?
yellow, lite blue, dark blue, and green. I cant pick
Reply:sweet peppermint.... or the spearmint one
Reply:Green!! I'm still on my first piece.

Vs question?

Vs question?

Recently i got some vs thongs, bikinis, and high cut brief panties. I was wondering which should i wear to bed tonight. here are my choices. 1. body by vic purple v-string. 2. pink "i love you" high cut 3. gray and pink high cut. 4. string bikini -red 5. class ic thong spearmint color. 6. classic thoong - orange color. 7. satin thong wine color. 8. classic bikini either blue with i love you on back or pink with stars. I love to get your opinions, because i am a male who loves VS panties. Oh, should i wear a cute little pink sleep short or white, or just the panty. thanks for your advice

Vs question?
whatever floats your boat.
Reply:6. orange seems to be the flavour of the month.
Reply:I think you should pick the pretty little pink ones, with the lace.
Reply:#2. pink "i love you" high cut
Reply:Go crazy sleep in the buff.
Reply:i think you should wear whatever makes you most comfy :).
Reply:do u seriously have to ask people what u should wear to bed thats just wierd but what ever lifts ur skirt or panties
Reply:Interesting question. Wear whatever makes you feel sexiest!

flip flop

Please help?

Vs question?

Recently i got some vs thongs, bikinis, and high cut brief panties. I was wondering which should i wear to bed tonight. here are my choices. 1. body by vic purple v-string. 2. pink "i love you" high cut 3. gray and pink high cut. 4. string bikini -red 5. class ic thong spearmint color. 6. classic thoong - orange color. 7. satin thong wine color. 8. classic bikini either blue with i love you on back or pink with stars. I love to get your opinions, because i am a male who loves VS panties. Oh, should i wear a cute little pink sleep short or white, or just the panty. thanks for your advice

Please help?
You're going to bed...does it really matter?
Reply:what does this have to do with make up, ya freak???
Reply:dont try to extract attention for yourself, love.
Reply:i love thongs go with that

5, Stride, or Eclipse?


5 Spearmint, For the win.

5, Stride, or Eclipse?
i like 5..

it lasts like 5 hours! XP
Reply:I like Peppermint Stride and I do like the 5. Not so much a fan of Eclipse.
Reply:They're all good, but I like the Stride flavors better.
Reply:sweet mint stride!!!

.....i love trident!
Reply:orbit, but since that isnt a choice, stride

Question tonight?

Recently i got some vs thongs, bikinis, and high cut brief panties. I was wondering which should i wear to bed tonight. here are my choices. 1. body by vic purple v-string. 2. pink "i love you" high cut 3. gray and pink high cut. 4. string bikini -red 5. class ic thong spearmint color. 6. classic thoong - orange color. 7. satin thong wine color. 8. classic bikini either blue with i love you on back or pink with stars. I love to get your opinions, because i am a male who loves VS panties. Oh, should i wear a cute little pink sleep short or white, or just the panty. thanks for your advice

Question tonight?
Dude, i have a thing to get free panties from them...LOL I'm a tester for their products. Lets see...Now if your going to sleep in them, i would stay away from the thongs and vstring, you may get chaffing....I would go with the classic bikini, the pink with stars... Oh wait wear the cute little pink sleep shorts...
Reply:The sauciest one is 1. I think you should wear the purple for ultimate pleasure!1

How to kiss...?

Do you prefer spearmint or peppermint?

What do you like them to tell you after?

Lip Gloss or No lip Gloss?


Thanks in advance!

PS. I'm really inexperianced.... if I kiss a guy that is?? and he doesn't like it, will he understand or make fun of me behind my back?

How to kiss...?

They'll probably blirt the answer out.

no lip gloss is probably better cause it gets smeared everywhere so everyone knows you've been sucking face.

If you're going to kiss with braces make sure there are no sharp pieces and a word of warning if you kiss someone else with braces your braces may get hooked on their braces and that's just an embarrassing thing to try and get out of as the only way to get apart is either break the braces or get a dentist or someone of that nature to get you apart.

There is really no proper way to kissing everyone is different, but there are a few pointers to help you out.

the best way to kiss is just to not think about it and do it
Reply:i like girls with braces. just soft kisses ,no lip gloss

dress shoes

Would you rather...?

Buy 1000 m'n'm's 1 balloon?

I would buy the balloon! I bought one today, it was blue, orange, and pink. It was filled with helium! It says Happy St. Patricks Day! I am going to keep it forever because it makes me feel humble.

I also bought a package of gum, it was spearmint! I am chewing on it right now, but it tastes quite strange because I just got done with my hot chocolate.

Would you rather...?
the M%26amp;M's, if they were peanut. if not, go huge helium balloons!
Reply:Balloons are cool, but I would go with the m %26amp; m's. I could go around giving some to all the kids in my life. That, to me, would be the better choice.
Reply:1 balloon
Reply:1 helium balloon....so I could suck out the helium %26amp; sing songs from The Chipmunks!
Reply:1000 m %26amp;ms I would dole them out slowly to my grand kids when they come visiting.

I dont chew gum the flavour doesnt last long enough to make it worth while.

Whats that song name in this commercial??

its the commercial about this guy going throught airport security %26amp;%26amp; he's chewing this gum.!

well the com. is about the gum.

its a new spearmint gum for Extra. i think :S

idk but the song is kewl!!:)

do you know the name of it??

please help... ?

Whats that song name in this commercial??
Unfortunately it seems the song was made solely for the commercial.


I love this commercial.

Can you please help me edit my persuasive essay????

Simplyteeth.com states that each year people spend approximately $5 billion on chewing gum; this seems to be a major waste of money, but is it really? Traditionally, gum is thought of as nothing more than a candy, thus most schools do not permit students to chew it in class. Schools do not favor gum, or any form of candy, because they view it as a distraction. However, recent research found benefits of students chewing gum in school, that out weigh the minor faults. These new findings prove that several solutions to our childrens’ health and academic problems, can be found in their candy, gum. Schools should permit students to chew gum, because it can improve the obesity issues, oral health, and learning abilities of students.

Even though most people think the opposite, chewing gum in school can help students fight and prevent obesity. Contemporary analysis describes chewing gum, as an effective component in weight loss and management routines. One study published in The Energy Expended in Chewing Gum, found that chewing gum can increase metabolism rates by up to twenty percent. Meaning that students, by chewing gum, could naturally burn more calories faster than they would if they did not chew gum. Students would have less calories to burn in the first place if they chewed gum in class, before lunch. Science shows that chewing gum curves our appetite because the brain can not tell the psychological difference between chewing gum and eating, causing us to eat less. An experiment, conducted by The University of Liverpool, concluded that on average someone who chews gum prior to having a snack, will eat thirty six fewer calories than someone who does not. Each hour a person is chews gum, they are burn an extra eleven calories. Thus simply by chewing gum the class period before lunch, a student can unconsciously spare themselves forty seven calories. By chewing gum in school students will speed up their metabolism, as well as take in less and burn more calories, all elements that can improve record high obesity rates.

Chewing gum in school can also enhance a student’s oral health. To maintain healthy oral hygiene, dentists recommend that we brush our teeth after every meal. However in schools, after lunch, students do not have access to a toothbrush; an obvious indication that their oral health is suffering. If students could chew gum in school, the severity of this problem would significantly decrease, since chewing a stick of gum, can similarly to brushing, clean teeth by removing food debris. Gum also contributes to a healthy mouth through the action of chewing, which triggers a faster, steady flow of saliva. According to simplyteeth.com, this extra boost of saliva movement can banish harmful acids that lead to tooth decay. Allowing students to chew gum in school will make their next trip to the dentist easier, for they will have better overall oral health.

Lastly, students’ learning abilities will improve if they have able to chew gum in school. Some students need to have some kind of movement in order to focus and constantly tap their foot or pencil, possibly disturbing other students. However, some students may find chewing gum as s silent, less distracting, and more effective substitute for activity. The refreshing splash of flavor from a students gum, will revive the student, giving them a slight inflation of energy and improve their ability to focus on and comprehend the lesson. Students chewing gum in class will also produce in an increase of memory, through memory association. For example, if when taking notes in science class a student chews spearmint gum, his or her brain will associate the content of the notes with the flavor of spearmint. Thus if when taking a science exam the student again chews spearmint gum, the brain will recall the taste and connect it to the class material associated with it. Resulting in a jog of the students memory, so they better remember the information and earn a higher test score. Nutritionist, Gil Leville, declares that chewing gum, boosts the blood flow to the brain by up to forty percent. This extra blood circulating to the brain, carries oxygen which acts as fuel for the brain, ultimately increasing brain function. By chewing gum in class students will satisfy their craving for movement, focus more efficiently, have an extended memory, and increase brain function, ultimately advancing their learning ability.

Schools should approve of students chewing gum in class, because it can enrich the obesity issues, oral health, and learning abilities of students. Obesity is a big issue in today’s society and by permitting students to chew gum in school we can get one step closer to controlling it. Most Americans have had at least one cavity, probably a result of not chewing gum because they thought it was bad for oral health. It is sometimes difficult for students to pay attention in class but gum is a simple solution to this problem. Now, realizing all the benefits of chewing gum, the $5 billion annually spent on gum seems to be more of an investment in health and education rather than a waste. I urge our school districts to reconsider the new found benefits of students chewing gum in school.

Can you please help me edit my persuasive essay????
your paper needs and entry paragraph. dont start a paper out with a web link so the first sentence really needs to be reworded. you may want the first couple of sentence to actually state what your paper is about rather than jumping into stats. your first paragraph is also scattered you may want to work on a solid idea it jumps around too much. If i were you I'd start my paper first by talking about how gum and schools dont go together however according to your source chewing gum can actually be a plus. then your next paragraph should be about how it is a plus. Then you can take each of those objects and break them down into seperate pragraphs talking more about how each plus does benefit a student and then a strong conclusion restating your facts and make sure to back each fact up with a source, if you have any questions feel free to email.
Reply:Check out www.WantAnEssay.com, they helped me write a huge paper, and it turned out to be an "A".
Reply:wow impressive, i really liked it and it pursuaded me really much. recently we had a writing assinment and we got to chew gum in class as our teacher said it is good to or something. so anyways, this sentence that you wrote- Each hour a person is chews gum, they are burn an extra eleven calories. it is actully suposed to be- Each hour a person is chewing gum, they burn an extra eleven calories. Simple mistake i see, but ure points may be taken off bu simple mistakes like these. hmm... u need to really indent in every paragraph, im not sure if u guys do it but without indents it is actully much better and is required for essays, as without indent it is a little confusing.. and... i dont see anything much more and it is great. ohh wait, you can add a little more better sentence starters to make it a little more interesting such as- Most people beleive, for sure, most often, experts agree that, interestingly enough, indeed, in many ways, so do you want to undertand how, its hard to belive but (this will be ideal for your first sentence) do you relize, let me explain, without a doubt, are you aware that, etc etc etc. thx for the gr8 essey ill sure ull be have a good grade

Trident Gum?

Which Gum do you like best?


* Bubble Gum

* Cappuccino

* Cherry

* Cinnamon

* Crystal Frost

* Original

* Peppermint

* Spearmint

* Tropical Twist

* Watermelon Twist

* Wild Blueberry Twist

* Minty Sweet Twist

Trident White

* Cinnamon Tingle

* Apple

* Cool Colada

* Cool Rush

* Freshmint

* Peppermint

* Spearmint

* Wintergreen

Trident Fusion

* Green Apple Fusion (Sweet and Sour)

* Strawberry Fusion (Sweet and Sour)

* Wintergreen Fusion (Extreme and Mellow)

Trident Splash

* Apple with Raspberry

* Peppermint with Vanilla (discontinued)

* Peppermint Swirl

* Strawberry with Lime

* Strawberry with Kiwi (discontinued)

* Spearmint with Watermelon

* Winterfresh (discontinued)

* Citrus with Blackberry (discontinued)

* Raspberry with Peach (discontinued)

Over all Which is better?!?!?!

Trident Gum?

*Tropical Twist

Trident White:

*Cinnamon Tingle

Trident Fusion:

*Green Apple Fusion (Sweet and Sour)

Trident Splash:

*Spearmint with Watermelon

This is more of a opinion question, but I like the fruit and cinnamon ones, mostly fruit. Overall, I'd say the ones that are fruit and taste sweet and juicy are the best for me.
Reply:what happened to cherry trident gum! its like it dropped of the face of the earth, i can find it anywhere :( NOOOOOOO Report It
Reply:I love Splash Strawberry and Kiwi but its discontinued? :O I want to try Green Apple Fusion. Which one do you like?
Reply:Strawberry Fusion =)
Reply:watermelon twist

cool rush

strawberry fusion

strawberry wit lime
Reply:Trident Original
Reply:i love spearmint guy its my fav i think its flavor just lasts longer for some reason!!!!
Reply:It's all nasty.
Reply:too many choices..ill let you know after i sample them all...
Reply:i loce tropical twiat thats the only gum ill prob chew since i hate mint
Reply:I've always got original in my purse but sometimes try the other newer flavors. I liked Wild Blueberry Twist and Tropical Twist
Reply:i really like orbit better


u really should reallly try the rasberry mint for orbit!



apple with raspberry

i think apple with raspberry is the best

Reply:I'm actually more of an Orbitz gum lover.

You have to try the Mojito flavored one. Delicious!

ladies dress shoes

Please help me finish a conclusion paragraph for my persuasive essay!?!?! 10 pts?

ESSAY: Though hard to believe, Simplyteeth.com states that each year people spend approximately $5 billion on chewing gum; this seems to be a major waste of money, but is it really? Traditionally, gum is thought of as nothing more than a candy, thus most schools do not permit students to chew it in class. Schools do not favor gum, or any form of candy, because they view it as a distraction. However, recent research found benefits of students chewing gum in school, that out weigh the minor faults. These new findings prove that several solutions to our childrens’ health and academic problems, can be found in their candy, gum. Schools should permit students to chew gum, because it can improve the obesity issues, oral health, and learning abilities of students.

Even though most people think the opposite, chewing gum in school can help students fight and prevent obesity. Contemporary analysis describes chewing gum, as an effective component in weight loss and management routines. One study published in The Energy Expended in Chewing Gum, found that chewing gum can increase metabolism rates by up to twenty percent. Meaning that students, by chewing gum, could naturally burn more calories faster than they would if they did not chew gum. Students would have less calories to burn in the first place if they chewed gum in class, prior to lunch. Science shows that chewing gum curves our appetite, because the brain can not tell the psychological difference between chewing gum and eating, causing us to eat less. An experiment, conducted by The University of Liverpool, concluded that on average someone who chews gum prior to having a snack, will eat thirty six fewer calories than someone who does not. Each hour a person spends gum, they burn an extra eleven calories. Thus simply by chewing gum the class period before lunch, a student can unconsciously spare themselves forty seven calories. By chewing gum in school students will speed up their metabolism, as well as take in less and burn more calories, all elements that can improve record high obesity rates.

Chewing gum in school can also enhance a student’s oral health. To maintain healthy oral hygiene, dentists recommend that we brush our teeth after every meal. However in schools, after lunch, students do not have access to a toothbrush; an obvious indication that their oral health is suffering. If students could chew gum in school, the severity of this problem would significantly decrease, because chewing a stick of gum can, can similarly to brushing, clean teeth by removing food debris. Gum also contributes to a healthy mouth through the action of chewing, which triggers a faster, steady flow of saliva. According to simplyteeth.com, this extra boost of saliva movement can banish harmful acids that lead to tooth decay. Allowing students to chew gum in school will make their next trip to the dentist easier, for they will have better overall oral health.

Lastly, students’ learning abilities will improve if they have consent to chew gum in school. Some students need to have some kind of movement in order to focus and constantly tap their foot or pencil, possibly disturbing other students. However, some students may find chewing gum as s silent, less distracting, and more effective substitute for activity. The refreshing splash of flavor from a students gum, will revive the student; giving them a slight inflation of energy, improving their ability to focus on and comprehend the lesson. Students chewing gum in class will also produce an increase of memory, through memory association. For example, if when taking notes in science class students chew spearmint gum, their brain will associate the content of the notes with the flavor of spearmint. Then when taking a science exam, if the students again chew spearmint gum, their brains will recall the taste and connect it to the class material associated with it. Thus resulting in a jog of the students’ memories, so they better remember the information and earn higher test scores. Nutritionist, Gil Leville, declares that chewing gum, boosts the blood flow to the brain by up to forty percent. This extra blood circulating to the brain carries oxygen, which acts as fuel for the brain, ultimately increasing brain function. By chewing gum in class students will satisfy their craving for movement, focus more efficiently, have an extended memory, and increase brain function, ultimately advancing their learning ability.

Schools should approve of students chewing gum in class, because it can enrich the obesity issues, oral health, and learning abilities of students.


Now, realizing all the benefits of chewing gum, the $5 billion annually spent on gum seems to be more of an investment in health and education rather than a waste. I urge our school districts to reconsider the new found benefits of students chewing

Please help me finish a conclusion paragraph for my persuasive essay!?!?! 10 pts?
Starting off from where you ended:

Allowing the students to chew gum would make test scores higher, as the mint stimulates the brain. It would also let districts spend less profit on physical education programs as chewing gum burns calories. Oral health has always been an issue, so the gum cleaning our teeth would make us a lot healthier. As you can see, gum isn't a nuisance, it's an aide in problems around the nation.

Why am I so sexy?

It's such a pain, but people can't refrain from staring at me since I'm so damn beautiful. My beauty is such a distraction, everybody immediately drops whatever they're doing to appreciate my fine breeding. My enchanting smile induces orgasms, and my scent is that of spearmint and babies' tears. Everyone loves me... women, men, girls, boys, even animals and children: once I was walking down Central Park, a horse that was supposed to be pulling the carriages turned around to admire my beautiful presence. I mean... I want to share myself with all of you, but I can't sleep with everyone even though I'd like to. I mean, I gotta live my life, and if I sleep with everyone I see then I'd be very tired. What should I do?

Why am I so sexy?
Hell yeah man. I love doing this type of stuff lol I've had well over 40 questions deleted from this retarded website. And do you see that 7 after my name? LOL, that's because my last 6 accounts were all deleted.
Reply:Did u came from mars?
Reply:WOW the burden you carry around must get heavy!!

ps i'm talkin about that ego :-)
Reply:you are admiredwith your self it is some kind of deses you must go to doctor
Reply:IMAO...that was F*ing classic!!
Reply:Slightly self conceded are we?
Reply:WOW!!!!! Can you walk thru doorways with that inflated head on your shoulders??????
Reply:did u get dared to write that question? thats retarded!
Reply:They want to see who is scaring the horse in central park.

Take a good look in the mirror, sweetie!
Reply:Listen, we know your moms hot, but what about you?
Reply:Fabio??? Is that you?
Reply:it sounds to me like you are a legend in your own mind, get over yourself
Reply:Lol. 2 points. YAY.
Reply:im not sure i'd be to attracted to someone who smells like spearmint and babys tears, but good luck with your delemma. maybe you could look into the porn industry everyone can see you its like everyone watching it is having sex with you its good money and people dont have to smell your sent of baby tears.
Reply:The swamp thing in lingerie is sexier than you! .....
Reply:You have two main options here.

1) Move to Canada and live away from everyone else, just watch out for the bears, you wont like to make love with one of them.

2) Become a model and sexatize the whole world. Sleep with as many sexy women as possible to make sure your genes carry on. Long live the sexy.
Reply:You sound like a wanna=BE, Grow up and get a real life
Reply:lol =]
Reply:Let me guess, Willy, you probably drive a big Hummer, and you know what they say about men who drive big vehicles. They're trying to make up for small "Willys" Get over yourself, because if you have that much to say about your physical attributes (Translation for the simple-minded, "How purdy you are") then you probably look more like Egor than Fabio. Go take a long walk off a short pier. We have to knock you off that pedestal you put yourself on. Don't worry, your ego will break your fall.
Reply:Well don't we like ourselves just a wee little much! Haha I love it! Thanks for the laugh. Oh and please do tell me what babies tears smell like...

Oh and if you really want an answer umm try not to be so universally beautiful. Don't take showers..haha I don't know.
Reply:two points...whoo!
Reply:HAHAHA thats awesome
Reply:forget the rest and run away with my brother ;)
Reply:I doubt you're sexy. Let go of that ego.