Im pretty sure i have heartburn right now, and its killing me. I really never have had heartburn before, or if i have i havent noticed it, like i have noticed this. The middle of my chest hurts bad..and well basically my whole chest hurts. I took 2 spearmint tums already. Im 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Is there anyway i can take maybe like 2 more to get it to go away?
Heartburn...I think?
A cup of hot tea always worked best for me as well as tums.
If the heartburn is really bad and can not be helped with OTC meds, see your doctor and they can prescribe you something that may be better.
Reply:Eat a popsicle or suck on a piece of ice it helps me.
Reply:See your doctor first and see what they say. I drank alot of Maalox liquid through my first pregnancy. But I lived on pizza and pop most of the time then. That was the problem. Maybe change what you eat and see if that helps.
Reply:Tums is all you can take for that while pregnant. I had the same. Drink ALOT of water. Laying flat on the bed and just breathing helps too. Unfortunately, that's one of the discomforts of pregnancy.
Reply:My son is 4 weeks old today, but when i was pregnant i got heratburn real bad. They say if you get heartburn early in pregnancy it means the baby has a lot of hair. I don't know if thats true but my son had a headful of hair. Anyways i lived on tums. My doctor told me that they are safe to take during pregnancy. He also suggested for bad heartburn to drink cold milk. It helped me.
Reply:I use to eat tums like it was candy when I was pregnant. my Dr. said it was OK. also drink lots of water that dilutes the acids. try to stay away from acidic foods and fatty foods. also call your Dr. and tell him whats going on.
Reply:What do the instructions say? I have the tropical fruit flavored tums and it says you can take up to 12 a day 4 at a time. I take 4. Tums are completely safe to take while pregnant. I am 39 weeks and now I can take zantac. I defiantly feel your pain's OK to take the maximum dose of tums. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
Reply:my whole last pregnancy i had terrible heartburn. I had to buy at least one or two little packs of tums per day. The doctor said it was fine and they have calcium too.
Reply:you can take as many tums as you want they have calcium in them and it will help you i had heart burn alot when i was pregnant went Thur a lot of tums
Reply:i had it with my last baby , i took tums it worked for me , or u could try eatting a raw pototoe
Reply:Sounds like heartburn. I don't know if the tums will help if you take more, but for future use, papaya enzyme really helps. You can get it at Walmart or any major health food store.
Reply:I had BAD heartburn throughout my pregnancies. Ask your Dr. what you should take. Rolaids, Mylanta, Tums, milk shakes, and milk all worked for me.
Mylanta and milk worked the best.
Take 2 more if it will help. I have 4 healthy kids and I had to live on antacids.
Good Luck!