my friends smoke weed and offered me some. ( I SAID NO!!! )
and both of them told me to smell it. the first one smelled like a spearmint kind of smell like really strong spearminty like,,, but the second one smelled more hearbal like i still could kinda find a similarity from the frist but it still smelt very different. are they just different kind of weed? or was one laced.
Marijuana, and smell...?
Firstly congrats on saying "no".. I know how hard that is to do :-)
As for the smell.. well personaly I think it smells more like burnt lawn clippings. If it had a minty smell it was laced... with peppermint leaves :-)
If weed is laced with anything you realy can't tell by the smell, the only way is to have it chemicaly tested or consume it.
But either way just stear clear of the weed mate, but if you do choose to smoke it.. make sure your with good friends who will look after you and be carefull of the source.
"I do not recomend you smoke weed at all", I only give the above advice because most people will be tempted and are curious to experiment.
Reply:there are several types of weed all smell diff. some types are : bo,panama red , ty stck, Vietnam, mex, home grown, Hawaiian. it is a matter of taste and money
Reply:I cant stand the smell of it myself , its more or less the same just people but different things into there weed , and different ciggies as well , could of also been the amount of weed put into it.
Reply:never heard of minty weed... it doesnt smell herbal to me at all... i dont like the smell actually. and i dont think it being laced would be able to be told by the way it smells
Reply:The minty stuff does not sound right to me.
If I recall correctly, PCP is supposed to smell minty.
Reply:if i were you i would probably accept it [jk]