heres the question..prior to my cats passing he was fine! had a bit of a eye infection ( herpes infection of the eye and conjunctivitis) he was going to get the creme the night of his passing. he only had the eye issue for 2 days. he was eating just fine, jumping up on things,etc. no indication of him being ill . I am with my animals 24/7 so I catch illness at the start! Well the only thing is the night prior to his passing he took a couple licks of the tea i had on the table. it is a sweet dreams herb tea, it contains chamomile,hibiscus,peppermint leaves,rose blossoms,spearmint leaves,spice,and orange blossoms. any of those poison to a cat? during his passing he had a seizure which lasted about 5sec. he was lethargic, he could not walk it was as if he was paralyzed. he would not open his eyes at all (strange seeming I used a bit of that tea to soothe his eyes) there is no poison in my home! I clean with a bit of dawn dish soap and water! please help!!
Hope you can help me!?
Perhaps he had a very bad allergic reaction to one of the ingredeints of the tea. I am very sorry for your loss. Our pets become our children.
Reply:Hibiscus is one of the poisonous plants that they tell us to stay away from. Sorry you lost your cat, but maybe you'll be more careful after this. You can probably go online and find lists of poisonous plants/herbs, etc that are HIGHLY TOXIC to cats (and other animals). Christmas is a really BAD time for people having harmful plants, etc, in their homes. Again, I'm really sorry that you lost your pet.........
Reply:Herbs can be toxic to cats! Cats are very sensitive to herbs%26amp;other posion
Reply:I'm so sorry to see your sad story. You must be so sad! Sometimes cats, like people, just have their bodies give out on them for no apparent reason, like a heart attack or an anurysm (bad spelling, sorry).
I'm sure it wasn't the tea, especially just a couple of licks.
At least you were able to be with him at the end. They don't know what "the end" really means so if you were able to comfort him in his passing, he was at least with the person he loved most.
Reply:I'm so sorry for your loss. I believe your kitty may have suffered a stroke which may have something to do with how he was getting around.
I'm so sorry.
Reply:Sounds like he might have had a stroke. My mom's cat did---fell over, had a seizure and died climbing out of his litter box. He was only 3 years old. I had never heard of a cat having a stroke before but that's what the vet said happened to him.
Reply:I am so sorry! I wish I could give you a hug! I can imagine the confusion, frustration and pain you are feeling. It's not your fault!
None of those herbs are listed as being poisonous to cats.
One scary and sad fact of life is that death is always lurking no matter how on guard we are. My best guess is that your poor baby suffered a stroke. Things like that can just happen out of the blue. It could have been genetic, a birth defect, who knows.
If you wish, your vet can do an autopsy and hopefully give you some better answers.
I can tell from your post that your kitty was well loved during the time he was here. Let that comfort you.
Ah, for the life of a cat in a loving home! Even a brief one.