
I need help with my asthma?

ok i am having an asthma attack right now and i have my coca cola and some mints but do cinnamin mints work or do they have to be peppermint or spearmint to work better?

I need help with my asthma?
Cinnamon mints most definitely works Cinnamon is one of the most effective herbs taken to clear up your airways and reduce the amount of mucus that's contributing to your attack. Peppermint works well too but from my experience cinnamon works best.

Here are a few other remedies I found:

1. Take 1 tsp honey and ? tsp cinnamon powder and mix them well before consuming.

2. Take 2 tablespoonful of fresh lemon juice and 1 tablespoonful of water. Repeat day and night.

3. In 1 cup of water soak 1 tsp of Fenugreek seeds overnight. Strain. Add 1 tsp of Ginger juice and 1 tsp of honey to this. It has to be consumed twice during morning as well as evening.

4. For people who are in their early stages of asthma, a perfect home remedy is to boil 8-10 cloves of garlic in ? cup of milk and consume it during nighttime.

Definitely see your doctor so he can prescribe rescue inhalers and other preventive medicine. Also he can help you determine certain triggers (like Aspirin even certain foods) that you may be sensitive to.
Reply:A steam shower will possibly help. I never heard of cinnamon helping but I have heard and read about Peppermint Oil...


Pull your fingers deeply through the void between the ribs, starting at the sternum and pulling outwards, as long as it’s not painful. You can do this with a few drops of Peppermint Oil and / or Eucalyptus Oil, mixed with ? cup of Sweet Almond Oil, and breathe deeply during and after the massage.

Peppermint – in cases of mild Asthma, Peppermint tea can be most helpful.

Vitamin C – as a great natural antihistamine, Vitamin C helps fight Asthma attacks related to an allergic reaction.

Sit straight with legs crossed, and breathe deeply towards the stomach. Feel the diaphragm bending downwards with every breath. While exhaling, do not exhale the entire air-supply, and start over. Try imagining your breaths as if they traveled in a course shaped like the number 8 – from the top of your head, to the bottom of your pelvis. Repeat this for at least 8-10 minutes daily.

Hope that helps.
Reply:I'm sorry I don't know detail about that but for sure accupuncture therapy could help you.For now take a plastic bag of warm water, or a glass of warm water put it at front of your chess, among 2 nipples.If you wanna to take a drink you have to drink warm water.If you have a special warm thermall pillow it might help.at least make you lighter.
Reply:Dont post silly Question in Doctors category
Reply:Home remedy for asthma relief

Express the juice from garlic. Mix 10 – 15 drops in warm water and take internally for asthma relief.

Mix, onion juice ? cup, honey 1 tablespoon and black pepper 1/8 tablespoon.

Mix licorice and ginger together. Take ? tablespoon in 1 cup of water for relief from asthma.

Drink a glass of 2/3 carrot juice, 1/3 spinach juice, 3 times a day .

Add 30-40 leaves of Basil in a liter of water, strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day effective for asthma.

Orapred (prednisolone sodium phosphate) oral solution is approved as a treatment for children over 1 month of age with asthma and other inflammatory conditions, including endocrine and rheumatic disorders. The dye-free oral solution has a palatable grape flavor that may improve compliance,

Think of someone--a child or an adult--racked by uncontrolled coughing. With a heaving, distended chest, neck muscles straining, and eyes showing alarm verging on panic, the person can utter only a few brief words between rasping, wheezing, frantic efforts to breathe.

The person puts a tubelike device in his or her mouth and inhales twice. Within minutes, remarkably it seems, the crisis is over. Breathing returns to normal. The person can go back to school or work or even jogging--until the next attack, which might be hours or months away.

Asthma attacks are often milder than this description--just a shortness of breath that soon passes without treatment. But they can also be much, much worse, requiring a hurried trip to the hospital for emergency--sometimes lifesaving--care. Even in severe cases, hospital treatment usually enables asthma patients to regain near-normal breathing. But not always. More than 5,000 asthma deaths were reported in the United States in 1997, according to the American Lung Association (1997 is the most recent year for which statistics are available). Most of the deaths occurred in patients who misjudged the severity of symptoms or failed to reach a hospital or clinic in time to prevent respiratory failure.

Although African-Americans make up less than 13 percent of the U.S. population, they account for nearly 22 percent of deaths due to asthma, according to the American Lung Association.

For reasons that are not well understood, the number of newly diagnosed cases of asthma in the United States is rising sharply, up 58.6 percent between 1982 and 1996. Asthma deaths, too, are climbing--5,434 in 1997 compared with 2,598 in 1979. While not accounting for the rising prevalence of asthma, the lack of necessary health care, especially among the urban poor, may play an important role in the rising asthma death rate.

Ironically, these increases are taking place at a time when some irritants believed to be associated with asthma--such as air pollution, dust, molds, and tobacco smoke--are better understood and often under better control than they once were. The reason for the increases remains a mystery, but some investigators think one contributing factor is modern, tightly sealed homes and workplaces that trap and recirculate contaminants, increasing exposure to them in the air we breathe.
Reply:I dont understand why people fool around giving silly answers, do they intend to make the patient laugh? It is a sick way of answering especially when the patient is looking for some relief from the suffering.

Asthma attacks are more frequent in the middle of the night between 3 and 4. You need to be on broncho-dilators than cinnamon and mints. Temporary relief can be had by having caffeine either by coffee or tea.

I suggest you go to your doctor and narrate the conditions you have before the onset of an attack.

Steroids are supposed to work faster when you have an acute attack. After that, you need to keep the bronchioles dilated with the help of bronchodilators like salbutamol. Salbutamol is supposed to be much safer than other drugs. It does not have a direct effect on the heart muscles.

Then there are a lot of inhalers which help in the clearing of the airways of the lungs.

Use of a nebulizer daily helps.

Have a small can of Oxygen handy.

There are a lot of homeopathic remedies and ayurvedic medicines to treat asthma. But you need to go to them. It cannot be summarized here.


* Some important vitamins essential to treat asthma are Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. These decrease the inflammation in the lungs.

* Ginkgo biloba, a herb contains ginkgolide B that is very helpful. Ginkgo biloba decreases the frequency of asthma attacks.

* Mullein oil is also helpful in fighting against the respiratory congestion, and is very important when used as a tea.

* In china a powerful mixture of herbs called Shuan Huang Lian is being used in hospitals to treat respiratory disease. It is very important medicine used to treat asthma and acute bronchitis.

* Make a tea using: 2 tsp. powdered Indian root. 2 tsp. granulated Echinacea root. 2 tsp. elecampane root. 2 cups of water. Mix all ingredients and keep them for 2 hours.

* Another tea, which can be helpful in improving the symptoms of asthma, can be prepared by adding: 1 quart boiling water. 1 tsp. chamomile flowers. 1 tsp. Echinacea root. 1 tsp. mullein leaves. 1 tsp. passionflower leaves.

* Take a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mix it with a cup of fenugreek decoction and honey to taste. This mixture acts as an excellent expectorant in the treatment of asthma.

* Honey is one of the most effective home remedies for asthma. Honey brings relief, in whatever from it is taken. The air flowing over it is inhaled or whether it is eaten or taken either in milk or water it gives relief. It helps to cough out accumulated mucus and helps its discharge from the respiratory passage.

* Garlic is another effective home remedy for asthma. Ten cloves of garlic should be boiled in 30 ml of milk. This makes an excellent medicine for the early stages of asthma.

* Turmeric is valuable in asthma. The patient should be given a teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk, two or three times daily. It acts best early in the morning when taken on an empty stomach.

* Take a teaspoon of the root paste (Bitter Gourd) Karela Root, mix it with an equal amount of honey or juice of the holy basil, it acts as an excellent expectorant, and is a remedy for asthma. It should be taken once every night for a month.

* Dry figs can be used to clear mucus from bronchial tubes and are therefore a valuable remedy for asthma. They should be taken in the morning in an empty stomach, along with the water in which they are soaked. This treatment may be continued for about two months.

* Indian Gooseberry (Amla) is proved to be a very valuable home remedy in asthma. Five grams of gooseberry mixed with one tablespoon of honey, forms an effective medicinal expectorant and tonic for asthma.

* A decoction made from linseed (Alsi) is considered useful in curing congestion in asthma and to prevent recurrence of attacks.

* Mix together mashed garlic and horseradish (100 g of each), 150 g of butter and 600 g of honey. Heat this mixture till honey dissolves. Keep in dark cool place tightly covered. Take 1 tbsp 1 hour before meal for 2 months. If needed, repeat the treatment after 1 month’s rest.

* During the attack, mustard oil mixed with little camphor should be massaged over the chest. This will loosen up phlegm and help in breathing.

* Lemon is another fruit useful in the treatment of asthma. The juice of one lemon, diluted in a glass of water and taken with meals, will bring good results

* A soup prepared from drumstick leaves, and taken once daily, has been found beneficial in the treatment of asthma.

* The herb bishop's weed is also an effective remedy for the treatment of asthma. Half a teaspoon of bishop's weed should be mixed in a glass of buttermilk and taken twice daily.

* Safflower seeds are also useful in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Half a teaspoon of powder of the dry seeds, mixed with a tablespoon of honey, can be taken once or twice a day in treating this disease.

* In 1 cup of water soak 1 tspn of Fenugreek seeds overnight. Add 1 tspn of Ginger juice and 1 tspn of honey to this. This should be taken morning and evening.

* Steam inhalation with ajwain seeds two times daily proves helpful in treating asthma.

* 1tbsp honey, 1/2 tsp. asafetida, 1tsp small onion juice, 1tbsp drumstick leaves juice. Mix all and have two times a day.

* Take 100 g of dry rose petals, 500 g of raw mashed pumpkin, 5-7 dry plantain leaves, 4 tbsp of honey and 1 L of red wine. Mix it in a pot and bring to boil (do not boil). Let stand for 24 hours and filter, take out juice from the mash. Take 1 tbsp 5-6 times a day.

* Mix together equal parts of coltsfoot, wild rosemary and plantain. Put 1 tbsp of the mix in a cup and add boiling water. Keep it for a minute. Drink 1/3 of a cup 3 times a day 30 min before meal.

* Take 40 leaves of coltsfoot. Boil 1 leaf for 15 min in a cup of water. Drink in the morning before breakfast. Repeat for 40 days.

* 5 g of dry crushed quince leaves put in 1 cup of boiling water and steep for 1 hour. Strain and take 2 tbsp 3-4 times a day before meal. The remedy can reduce asthma attack.

* 2 tbsp of mashed turnip put in 1 cup of boiling water and boil for 15 min. Filter and drink ? cup 4 times a day or 1 cup before bed.

* Licorice a herb acts an expectorant, demulcent, anti-inflammatory, immune stimulator, and antiviral.

* Coleus is used in Ayurvedic remedies in India. It contains forskolin, a substance that relaxes the airways; which makes the breathing easy.

* Reishi is a mushroom that has the ability to reduce allergies. Reishi stops chemicals that cause inflammation including histamine. It is also can be used as an immune tonic.
Reply:Hi, Your coca cola helps because caffeine is a bronchodilator and helps to open up your airways. I've never heard about about mints being helpful. It's really important to keep a rescue medicine around for your asthma because asthma attacks can threaten your life. Rescue medicine would have to come from your doctor. With that said, I have to tell you, I have a child with very poorly controlled asthma and have started him drinking a specific fruit juice made with all natural products. Its just loaded with antioxidants and phytonutrients and has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. My child has had wonderful results since he started drinking this juice. I'm just awed by it and think it is spectacular.
Reply:Stick you head in a freezer for some immediate relief. The cold air for some reason helps, but only while your heads in there. I have asthma also and when it gets really rough, you want any kind of relief.

However, you need to be seen by a doctor right away! Go to the E.R. they will usually take you first. If you don't have insurance, you can work something out with hospital billing if there is a financial hardship. Feel better soon and take care.
Reply:Hi Tristan,


Email me at peare75@hotmail.com for more info
Reply:Don't drink Coca Cola or eat mints it will make your asthma worse.

When you are better see an Homeopathic.......it works.

