
Your stranded on a desert island?

with me asking daft questions like this one, all you have is 1 metre length of twine, 1 packet of spearmint chewin gum, 2 coconuts, a bucket and spade and a tin of baked beans. what action do you take,

ps, i am good at making fires.

Your stranded on a desert island?
I would try making SOS signs in the sand with the spade and at night chew a little gum(that stops me from being hungry) and if I were thirsty drink a little bit of coconut milk till sumone came and saved me! I don't know if they would save you tho lol jk! we would be safe and do what ever we do (for me hang around the house)and act like it never happened until the media comes and asks us all these questions and were famous
Reply:Do you get a tin opener?
Reply:forget that lot.....you look good :)
Reply:I would take Macguyver with me and he could figure something out
Reply:Since I am stuck on a desert island with you and you didn't bring anything with you to help make a fire, I decide to strangle you in frustration with the 1 meter length of twine, while chewing gum, then dig a grave for you using the bucket and the spade. After I've buried you I celebrate with a feast of baked beans and coconuts.
Reply:i chew the gum.
Reply:You eat your gum,coconuts, and beans (cold). You go to the bathroom in the bucket then, you hang yourself using the twine.
Reply:uhh.. I have no clue lol.. good question
Reply:Ask you to help me make a secure shelter, %26amp; you can take the first watch if you don't shut up!

P.S. Your also on breakfast duty.
Reply:hey that's a good riddle, i have no idea.
Reply:we can make a remix of 6days,7nights!only that we can choose our own desired number of days and name the movie to our taste.can't wait for the ecstacy!!!

