I hate brushing my teeth. I gag and hate the taste of all toothpaste even the fruity ones that are supposed to taste good. I dont like mint, spearmint, cinnamon, citrus, anything. It's all discusting and I'd rather throw up than brush my teeth. Obviously I need to keep them clean. What can I do????
I hate brushing my teeth. Help!!???
It's ok to brush without toothpaste, since the actual brushing is what is most important.
Reply:First, use just a drop of toothepaste at a time. Hold your head forward over the sink when you brush. This will keep toothpaste off of the tastebuds and out of your throat. Breath through your nose. It should only take about 2 minutes to brush. These tips may help.
Reply:how about brushing with rock salt? It taste salty but it will clean your teeth and got no taste of those you mentioned.
Reply:oh,that's incredibly weird. perhaps you must go to the dentist and ask her what can he/she do for you. if not, better go to a phsycology. i advise you must brush your teeth without toothpaste. or you may brush your teeth with toothpaste and sacrifice.no one can help yourself but you.
Reply:i bet there is something you can use and not hate, ask the dentist about it, im sure u'll find a way. if not try to floss or use mouthwash everyday
Reply:my grandmother said when she was growing up..... they used baking soda to brush their teeth.
Reply:If it's just the toothpaste you hate, then don't use any when you brush. If it's the actual brushing that you hate, then you need to realize even if you loose all of your teeth to decay, abscesses and disease from not brushing, you will still have to brush dentures. It's easier to just take care of the teeth you have, one day you will be glad you did.
Looks like you don't really want any advice on this topic with all of the thumbs down. Maybe Triple T's advice will make you think a little harder about not brushing your teeth even if you do hate the task and the tooth paste.
Additional information: My response to your question was not intended to evoke such a negative response from you, but obviously I have struck a nerve with my answer. I certainly didn't mean to hurt your feelings, my concern and the initial reason I responded to your question was in an attempt to make you realize the importance of brushing your teeth and the consequences involved by not doing so, no matter how much you dislike the task or the taste, it is of the greatest importance for your over all dental and physical health which can be greatly compromised by not brushing your teeth. I do apologize if I've offended you in any way but do hope that you will listen to the advice given to you from myself, and all of the others in regard to this question. Good luck!
As for the thumbs down response to "everyone" it would appear odd that someone would read this question and give "all" of the responders the thumbs down, which would be a wrong response to all the answers given. Usually it's the person who asks the question, that didn't care for the answers given, who gives the thumbs down. It really doesn't matter if you did or didn't, as long as you realize the advice given by all is accurate and hopefully you will heed the advice given.
Reply:Just do what I do, take them out to brush them, then put them to soak overnight with a denture tablet in the water. It's been working great for me since I was 14. Give them a rinse in the morning and you're ready to go.
Reply:use a branch of neem tree to brush ..its natural ...
if ure too fussy .. well i dont mean to loud or something ...
but i can say that once u go to a dentist for a root canal without anastesia ... u'll never forget to brush again .. ever ...
Reply:Try making your own toothpaste.