
Turkish Delight, anyone else feel let down after the first bite....?

The advert promoted the over priced snack as "Full of Eastern promise!" So, as a 11 year old scally, I set off the the post office to nick one, as my pocket money didn't stretch to 27p (in 1980)!!! That's £4.00 in New Labour money!

After sneaking one in to my pocket and paying for a 4p bag of Seabrooks Salt n Vinegar, can you imagine my surprise as I bit in to the small square chocolate lump and got a mouth full of, what can only be described as, highly perfumed Arabian toilet scum?

Dis-fookin-gustin!!! Eastern promise, ya can shove it up yer ar+se as that's where it came from!!

10 points plus 4000 bonus points for the answer that makes me want to vomit the most. Oh yes, plus a token for an hours free lap dance in Spearmint Rhino.

Turkish Delight, anyone else feel let down after the first bite....?
Ooooo Turkish Delight!! Im sorry but i have to totally dissagree with you here, I LOVE the stuff!! Especially the boxed stuff that doesnt have the chocolate on it just the icing sugar and you get a chip shop wooden fork to eat it with, i could sit and eat a whole box just to my self ummmmm yummy! The chocolate dipped stuff is good though for when your out and about but you have to suck the chocolate off so your just left with a lump of Turkish Delight to munch on. Did that make ya feel sick did it? Did it?
Reply:Yeah, those adverts were a bit scary weren't they!!

I never really liked them when I was a kid either. Would much rather spend my hard earned 50p pocket money on a cadbury's secret and a packet of pacers!
Reply:OK, get ready to vomit.

The best Turkish delight is, surprisingly enough, purchased in Turkey. You can even buy it at airport shops in Turkey and get the genuine article. Normally flavoured with rose water or lemon/lime and coated with icing sugar. I'm not a fan of sweets and I certainly didn't like the English version which was chewy and coated in chocolate. (Is it still available? I think it was made by Cadbury.

The Turks are not Arabs and your remarks are abusive. So you don't like it. Don't buy it. All kids have a bad experience with food - my worst experience was Wagon Wheels - yuck! However, assuming they originated in the Wild West of the USA, they are not the reason why I frequently abuse that large and overpowering country.

For those who think turkeys come from Turkey: Turkeys come from North America. Confusing India with North American Indians, the turkey in Turkish is called Hindi.
Reply:Thankfully I was not yet diagnosed as diabetic but when I was at school I had to play one of the boys who was lured by the wicked witch in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. He had to eat turkish delight and to make it more realistic, I had to really eat it. Even during rehearsals! Euuuugh! I had to try and hold it down and deliver my lines and I was given detention for chucking up every time - there was a bucket just off stage for when I came off - and I got a sore back side for my pains. It was in the days that corporal punishment was still legal!

I feel sick now, just thinking about it!!!!! Pass the bucket!!
Reply:Well, I guess the Turks think "Ar+ss-flavor" is a delight. Take a turkeys-"gobbler", wet balls, and some Lima Beans, mix in the cheapest choc. coating, and you've got "european de-funk-gus"!

Poor Edmund "gave up" that "half a goat" for THIS! Amazing!(lol)
Reply:I've bought a few and NEVER has it come with a Harem or even an old belly dancer for that matter, if they are going to advertise these things they should honour it.

Go to Turkey and buy the real thing, it's a whole different to the rubberized car tyre shoved in chocolate we get here that Aggy recommends to clean Quarry tiles.

The only problem then will be dealing with 3 million bearded Turks who want to either drag you into their restaurant (cheap cafe) to be fed everything with chips 'because that's what we Brits like' or just to marry our 16 yr old daughter to get a green card and a council house in Peterborough.

And why is it red? It looks like a ready made Period from the Finest range at Tesco, a colour well associated with blood, with death and, eeerrrrr, Goths.

It the end of the day (don't you just hate that expression?) we have a choice, we can either buy that gone wrong Jelly, a Yorkie (never has a chocolate bar been so camp) or a pack of smarties even though you don't get the blue ones anymore because they made kids go mad.

Maybe we should just bring back Spangles.
Reply:Rofl ! I can't properly answer as I'm dashing to take my car to garage for annual service but this question made me giggle.
Reply:The thing is, there're a lot of kinds and brands. And i totally agree that the best ones are the ones you buy in Turkey. The ones in commercial stores or airports are a little lower quality. I went to Istanbul a lot of times, and i can easily say the best brand is 'Haci Bekir'. Also 'Divan' is not bad. Let me give u a tip. Try this internet site:


and order some. You'll understand what real turkish delight is... Last tip: the ones with pistachio/walnut etc are my preference...
Reply:ok I cant make you vomit but i can tell you i also hate the goey shite, and my older brother did tell me (and i believed it for 6 years) that it was made from the dangly bit that hangs off a turkeys neck.

By the way what fockin flavour is it supposed to be, it tastes like wet balls.
Reply:I quite agree with you. If that's somebody's idea of "Eastern Promise" I can't think what they'd had in their mouth when they came up with that one! Talk about 'something like nothing only more-so' - it's just a disgusting substance that once in your mouth turns into a rubbery, scented goo - and the real stuff (i.e. made by REAL confectioners as opposed to the likes of Frys or Cadburys) is even worse! I've come to the conclusion that the 'Eastern Promise' bit of the advert means that it will enable you to have a good crap - or to put it another way, give you the shites ! ! !

