
What was your favorite childhood sweet?

i loved a chewy bar, i cant remember the name but it was spearmint and it only cost 5 pence!!

What was your favorite childhood sweet?
MY favorite childhood sweet is not a person...

They were malted milk tablets that came in a little bottle and were delish. Never saw them again when I moved from Hawaii back to he mainland, but that was years and years later.

Oh, and I always have and always will LOVE Tootsie Pops and I still don't know how many licks it takes. Oh again, and ALWAYS chocolate.
Reply:A candy bar called Chocolite which I haven't seen since I was a child!
Reply:Root Beer hard candy
Reply:Red Hot Dollars, three for a penny.
Reply:Syrup Pie....actually pecan pie without the pecans.....my mom would make them for me ahhhhhh!
Reply:liquorice with sherbet inside ....... :)
Reply:black licorice. Dad and I used to fight over it.
Reply:Hayday bars. They were like a flakey cookie with carmel and covered in chocolate with like a wafer like sprinkle on them. I miss them.
Reply:Ice Cream
Reply:sweet tabacco, it came in a wrapper with a pirates boat on
Reply:Those peanut logs things.
Reply:i like the jawbreakers the size of baseballs. amazing.
Reply:I don't know what they are called but they look like fruit slices with rind on them and they are covered in sugar but taste like what they look like. Not those orange slices, these were ones that really looked like a thin slice of fruit.

I found a company that still makes them and order them twice a year. They're still great!!! But much more expensive now!!!

