
What's your favorite flavor lip balm?

I love ChapStik Spearmint or Avon Cherry flavor.

What's your favorite flavor lip balm?
CO Bigelow Apothecaries Spearmint Lip Shine! It's from Bath and Body Works!

It gives your breath long-lasting freshness...Good for when you are going to get up close and personal with a certain someone! LOL! ;)
Reply:Carmex and Sweet Talk and lip fusion cherry.
Reply:Chapstick cherry
Reply:Carmex..no taste
Reply:Lipsmackers watermelon
Reply:vinegar and salt.
Reply:I love Cherry! So classic, so fresh!
Reply:burt's bees and chapstick cherry
Reply:i like smackers bubble gum flavor
Reply:even though it's not lip balm, anything that has to do with the bonne bell line.
Reply:Chapstik the clear one.
Reply:Chapstick's Vanilla Mint =) Its kind of tingly.

And "Piece of Cake" from Beauty Rush (Victoria's Secret).
Reply:lip smackers- cotton candy mmm smells yummy
Reply:Body shop Peach
Reply:The Smackers and Chapstick flavours. I like Chapstick though. It's the brand I usually use, anyways.

Reply:i like cream soda ! Mmmmm
Reply:The Gap has a chapstick that comes in a Neon Blue tube. I think it's called, "Tropical Breeze," and it smells GOOD!
Reply:pina colada or strawerry bonnebell lip gloss
Reply:So they come in flavors now...
Reply:cherry is good
Reply:i'm sooo glad you asked. i've been wanting to rave about this. i've been using Blistex 'silk and shine' spf 15...it is truly awesome and has kept my lips really nice all summer. it's raspberry in flavor. you should try it. xxoo, D.
Reply:Wow I can't chose I love them all. LOL
Reply:Chap Stick Spearmint.
Reply:body shop grapefruit ^^

