
Is this tea safe?? I am six weeks pregnant.?

The tea is "sweet dreams" herb tea by bigelow. The ingredients are chamomile, hibiscus, peppermint leaves, rose blossoms, spearmint leaves, spice, and orange blossoms. I am thinking of drinking it to help relieve migraines. Would it be safe to drink it? What about drinking it with two tea bags steeped at once?? And also what about 1-2 bags steeped for like 20 minutes. Thanks for your help. (there is supposed to be a length of time to steep tea that will make it medicinal strength, anyone know off hand how long that is and would it be safe to do?) Thanks so much for your help:)

Is this tea safe?? I am six weeks pregnant.?
I am so glad you asked!

you wouldn't want to brew it that long it would be so astringent your mouth would pucker

steer away from the mints: peppermint, spearmint

and one of the ingredients in that tea is catnip, you do not want that

especially since it is also a mint

it would take a whole lot mind you, but plants in the mint family used to be used for abortions

It can cause complications, especially at the strength you are talking

any herbal tea is wise to check out good job!

and herbal tea usually doesn't do well with long brews, I mean as little as 2 minutes may be enough
Reply:Use anything herbal in moderation while you are pregnant. A few bags a day of any herbal Bigelow tea should be fine, but if you drink very large quantities, you might see some effects of some of the herbs.
Reply:if it is caffiene free it should be alright. Just be careful because tea has been known to lower your iron :( as for the steeping for medicinal strength im not too sure.
Reply:This is what I found:

Teas that are not safe during pregnancy: These include anise, catnip, chamomile, comfrey, ephedra (called ma huang in traditional Chinese medicine), European mistletoe, hibiscus, horehound, Labrador, lemongrass, licorice root, mugwort, pennyroyal, raspberry leaf, rosemary, sage, sassafras, stinging nettle leaf, vetiver, and yarrow.

Check out the link below!
Reply:You just don't want to much caffine is all.....some of that is caffine free, if not, just limit it. No biggie. I drank small amounts of caffine when i was pregnant but wouldn't drink imatation sugars, no diet drinks. I wouldn't take any medicines either, so good job on relieving your headaches with a natural rememdy.....good luck and congrats on the baby!!
Reply:As far as I know, avoid any teas with raspberry leaf, which can promote early labor. The rest of the ingredients sound similar to the ingredients in my morning sickness tea from our local apothecary, and I had a healthy 8lb baby a day before her due date. When in doubt, take it easy on the tea until asking your doctor :)

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