
Where can you get 5 Gum?

Spearmint......what stores

Where can you get 5 Gum?
i just bought some and i got mine at target
Reply:Speedway has the lowest prices and always have it.
Reply:Um... gas station?
Reply:Anywhere. I have bought it all over the place.
Reply:I just got 5 gum about a week ago at Walgreen's...
Reply:any gas station u should be able to get it from
Reply:5 packs? How many peices of gum do u chew? you can get gum anywhere.....you may have to get them in separate packs though, i think they only come in 3, 4 those big packs. I am pretty sure that you can find them anywhere, wal-mart, win-dixie, walgreenes, a lot of places!!!
Reply:We have it here locally in our grocery stores, H-E-B, but I have seen it the convenience stores and Walmart as well. I would assume you would be able to buy it anywhere you were able to buy gum.

Reply:at any store

